
I think I honestly wouldn’t mind if someone proposed at my wedding. Yay love! Good for you! But I can’t understand for the life of me why someone would want to. Pick a moment that’s about you and your beloved. I wouldn’t feel “but this day is about ME!” in an attention-seeking way, it’d be more like “but... this day

Yeah, I’m very curious about what this substance actually is. Because a lot of the reporting around bath salts and the like doesn’t really reflect the reality of those drugs.

The same could be said for aggressive making out in public. I’m kind of responding to a lot of the threads here in responding to you... but there is a certain amount of sexual affection that we, as a society, accept in public spaces. I personally feel “uncomfortable” when I see people making out hot and heavy - I

I think many people who make out in public do it for the exhibitionist thrill.

Bravo! So well said.

I agree with the idea that you shouldn’t make others a part of your play without their consent... but I also think that this is such light “play” that it isn’t any different than making out in public. There’s nothing explicitly sexual about this. There’s nothing violent about it. Those are the types of things I feel

Comparable to my field? i.e., any field serving people in need that (usually) requires an advanced degree. Public interest attorneys(like me), social workers, librarians, nurses... I’m not saying teachers aren’t undervalued. Just that comparable careers are similarly undervalued, similarly demanding, and don’t get a

That makes a certain amount of sense, except that teacher salaries are... comparable to yearly salaries in other fields. I’m a public interest attorney and make around the same as my teacher friends (Less actually, than some). I know it operates differently, that teachers are really only being paid for their months

Agree. You said it so well. I wasn’t sure how to jump into the fray and say “But he was a child himself” without sounding like I was defending his actions. I certainly knew not to sexually assault younger children when I was 13/14, but I also didn’t grow up in an environment with totally fucked sexual ethics.

Well, then you must not live in NYC or anywhere else where you regularly interact with homelessness people. If I stopped and gave every time I saw a homeless person, I’d be perpetually late and broke. I’d literally be stopped multiple times a block near my office. I honestly don’t believe you’d be the lone person

Well, then I can’t imagine that you live in NYC or another major metropolitan area where interacting with homeless people is a regular occurrence. If I stopped and gave every time I saw a homeless person, I'd be perpetually late and broke. I honestly don't believe you'd be the lone person holding yor breath in a

I guess. No one’s required to care for the sick either. But some people get paid to and some people volunteer to do that work. I’m not sure I see the distinction between “volunteering” for motherhood or volunteering with a hospital or ambulance corps. I mean, obviously they are different (the first involves a much

“Delinquency” isn’t only unlawful acts.

I’m going to defend you a little here. Let me make my position clear though first: McDonalds does not get to refuse service to homeless people or refuse to sell food because people are giving it to the homeless.

I can’t really argue with your characterization of it as “volunteer” vs “job.” But I hope you also recognize that being a stay-at-home-mom has real economic value and that there are some kinds of volunteering that if people DIDN’T perform, we’d have to pay someone to do.

Yeah, law school teaches you zero law. It teaches you how to look up and interpret the law, which is far more important than memorizing it because laws change.

Huh. I find this surprising. I have a lot of friends who are teachers and they seem to view their summers as time off.

I got a couple free deliveries of Blue Apron and it was fab. I tell myself that they publish their recipes and I can just buy the ingredients... but then I don’t...

We have no heart, yay!

I’m not a jerk about it, but I go to Starbucks infrequently enough that I legitimately do not remember their branding.