

I had a friend who REALLY loved wasabi. Whenever we went for sushi, they’d keep giving him more as he could cheerfully eat it straight.

This lovely man came in every day, I burned his bread, and he left a $5.00 tip on a $4.00 meal. One time, he heard me (quietly, I swear) talking to another waitress about how I couldn’t afford to have my other cat spayed yet, and when he left, I found $100.00 under the cup for my cat.

No one is autistic. They are people with autism. Person first language, pls.

um LGA is by far the worst airport in NYC and possibly the world.

That’s totally incorrect. EVERY major city in Texas votes Democrat for most of their state-elected officials and in the presidential elections. And if you’d like to boil it down, Houston is immensely more diversified than Austin. You get culture when you visit Houston; you get drunk when you go to Austin.

Houston is a relatively progressive city. I suspect that this failure was a combination of deceitful propaganda from the anti- civil rights groups, and laziness or lack of awareness on the part of progressives, who obviously didn’t get out to vote in decent numbers.

My sister-in-law, a heroin and barbituate user, gave birth to my nephew while using. He was born full term, weighing very little (can’t remember) and spent the first weeks of his life struggling with seizures and withdrawal - he had to be given opiates to be comfortable. He then spent about four months in a

This episode was so friggin heavy...oh my god. I like...don’t want to go back next week. I will though...because that’s who I am.

Now playing

Christopher Eccleston played Steven Baxter, the son of god, in the ITV two-part ‘The Second Coming’. This is probably the best sequence in the film and a great delivery from Eccleston. Also written by Russel T Davies the man who brought back Doctor Who is amazing the whole thing is on YouTube..

Yes, I was really unhappy with what they did to Lane. Her life could have been SO much better than that. I mean... twin babies at 18, conceived from her first, one and only, terrible sexual experience? And with that loser of a husband... I mean, really, she could have done so much better than Zach.

HOWEVER: Boy did they EVER get Jess right.

He’s my Doctor. Love him.

Colin I believe that steak in the picture needs to be cooked more to be more tender. Please tell the chef to cook it more. Thanks.

Surely I am not the only one who saw that and thought you meant James Marsden.

I’v taught for almost 20 years and I’ve never had a kid take a swing. You know why? I learned how to de-escalate a situation and let the kid save face. I learned when to not push kids on issues. I’ve learned when to let small infractions slide. I learned these things because I can never use force. It’s a shame police

I cannot tell you how much I want them to work this in. It wouldn’t even be difficult! Explain away the name change and you could totally believe Paris became that character.