
I will cut you

Not only is that not the Running Man that they’re doing, but I also don’t see how it’s a “challenge”. This whole thing is stupid. I quit the internet!


Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

The rare occasion where you want the ball in the hands of a white player.

Well, this won’t get the “no animals were harmed in production” disclaimer.

Thank god Neville was wrestling a pro like Jericho who knew exactly how to act in that situation.

I definitely agree. You can’t “defend” yourself without actually being fired upon first, which is really stupid. Sometimes you’re dead before you even get the chance to return fire, due to how powerful some guns are. I’ve gotten killed a few times because I ran into a pack of PVE mobs, while trying to evade players.

My biggest issue with the DZ is the way the rogue system works. I don’t know what the right solution is, but it sucks that you can know you are going to get ganked, but have no option to avoid it. It’s suicide to attack first even if the group that’s following you around tells you through the in-game proximity chat

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Remember when Kotaku tried to localise the show? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Fuck off Nintendo. Sticker Star was shit. No one wanted Sticker Star extra pretty edition. Just give me a game like the first two.

I totally pictured this:

There are aspects of the restoration that look sharper, but it also seems to lose a lot of details due to darkening everything. I feel like a halfway point would have avoided crushing those details.

Pretty sure the Porsche stuck up its ass helps with rigidity.

Feel free to arrest your Mom when she crosses the Brooklyn Bridge

I think each deserve their own spotlight. Both of them are pretty amazing. Also Log Horizon and Overlord were well done as well.

If you’re talking about the pillar room, there is a way to know where the puzzles are going to be, beforehand.

I don’t think its the hardest at all. All the rules are well established and theres no colour or audio requirements. The hardest is an optional one behind the castle and treetops.

I’m surprised no one else noticed it. Right at about 17 seconds, a pelican flew across the track. Frankly, it was masterful driving to avoid the bird and not write off the car.