Are you forgetting the fact that he is Hot? Kotaku needs to post more of this, if you cant win join them, so I want more fit attractive men to do this.
Are you forgetting the fact that he is Hot? Kotaku needs to post more of this, if you cant win join them, so I want more fit attractive men to do this.
Fun fact, I bought Cards Against Humanity + expansions 2-4.
I'm all for hating something that's awful, but let's all first agree that what's awful here is this song, so we can move forward together.
There's one you've missed on that list. Battle Stadium D.O.N., which was a crossover game of Dragonball, One Piece and Naruto.
I teared up too! Ugh, I used to be so cynical. Now I tear up at almost everything. I can't even watch the Afternoon Cry videos anymore.
I'm not pregnant and I started tearing up.
"but I just want to retreat to my room and sob."
That's because it is already on PSN.
Not that I disagree with the point of the article...but this seems like a flawed statistic. OF COURSE divorce rates are lower for couples that live together....when it doesn't work, you break up and move on. No marriage = no divorce. Unless you factor in the unaccountable number of couples that cohabitate, then…
I'm curious, how exactly does this "protest" deserve comparison to the Arab Spring?
Wait a minute. . .
I wonder how many people will understand the title.
Best quote - "I didn't hit my balls!"
I can't wait! I'm getting both versions! :D :D :D :D :D
Incredibly disappointed this isn't at least a David Attenborough impersonator. You raised the bar far too high with that title, he sounds like a bucket of nails :(
That was better than expected.
you want a kick ass group, then watch this group. They will knock your socks off. Just give it time and you will know without a doubt what im talking about. The drummer is my fav plus my daughter loves the blue hair.