
They're definitely closer to the One Piece ones, but I don't think there were as many additional actions that you would have to do... (been awhile since I played those).

The One Piece Warriors games are probably the most chaotic of all the Warriors games lol. They added a ton of extra stuff to do in those. The Fist of the North Star ones are pretty simple though.

someone needs to be the basis of semi-realistic movements and animations.

You answered your own question.... I'm definitely a function over form guy, I just want to see my face during cutscenes where you're meant to see your face.

So true. Supposedly you need to have the PS Camera or a Mic plugged in and then just make enough noise that the game thinks you're screaming. I haven't been home since I saw that so I haven't been able to try yet.

Nope, because the armor is technically a body piece. You can only do /visor on helms that are in the head slot.

Ugh don't remind me of that armor! T_T

It's just another shortening that Japanese people (I'm sure others do this too, I just see it done most by Japanese videos) love to use. Commercials are called CM, Promo Vids are PV, and Music Videos are MV. So it just makes sense that a Playable Teaser is PT.

Yep... I CAN NOT get that damn baby to laugh a second time for the phone to ring. So I just gave up lol.

I thought it was clear too, and then EVERYONE saying otherwise made me think again.

I kind of wish this came out sooner. I'm in the market to get an Xbox One next month, and I would really like to have the internal 1TB drive (I don't want to buy yet another external). Now that all these bundles include a digital version of the game, I don't see why they can't release it sooner than the game and just

So if this is actually an RPG.... does that mean the 4v1 is just their multiplayer mode and there's a separate story mode?

It was because of the unique nature of ARR and Legacy characters. Also they did wipe all Alpha/Beta characters until Phase 4 beta which was the Open Beta that lead directly into launch.

2DS^2 XL with Dual Sticks (Dual Screen Dual Sticks get it!?) Just in time for MH4U.

Just going to pick up Jasmine if we're not going to get a full playset <.<;;;

Woo! I'm within her target demographic :D

I'm disappointed you didn't crack open a bear and play some TF2.

I used to own a Jag :(

I watched the first couple of episodes... it was okay. I think it would be better if we had the source material to go off of.

Wait a sec.... there's a TON of English in the actual gameplay! (Way more than usual mech games). I very well may just download this off of the Japanese PSN store now haha.