Because there's an insane amount of people that just want to get to endgame and not spend all the time grinding levels? (I never played EQ2, but I assume this is the case)
Because there's an insane amount of people that just want to get to endgame and not spend all the time grinding levels? (I never played EQ2, but I assume this is the case)
I'm totally all for this game, buying it when I get home (and the store updates).
AFL? Jesus Christ I don’t even give a single rat’s ass about AFL, why in the name of Beelzebub’s butthole was I seriously considering watching it? [Ed's note for international readers: Mark means this]
As someone who does not have a whole lot of experience making porn, I imagine the hardest part is not the making of the porn, but the preparation behind making the porn. In other words, once you've got 2+ people, a camera, some lightning gear, and whatever gels or liquids you might need, the process is easy: you just…
I believe, after all... 27/9 = 3.
They fixed the picture. It was the other way beforehand.
That picture has it standing on the wrong side for one >.>
whoa, whoa, whoa... "A World of the VERSUS Epic"? Are they already saying we'll be getting multiple XVs, or are they going to still try and link this to XIII somehow?
He's just a really fun guy... or at least as fun as a Corporate President can be.
In general the biggest problem with fighting anime (like Bleach, Naruto, or Dragon Ball Z) is one of pacing. Single battles can go on for countless weeks with little to nothing being resolved in each individual episode. Blood Lad, however, does not fall into this pattern. What would be entire arcs of a normal fighting…
It's been out for almost a year if you're in the NA-regions (so not really new, unless you're EU, then disregard haha).
I just encountered my first problem with the game. Sometimes the Questions and Answers aren't correct. It asked me what was the name of the first Russian Space Shuttle, and they said the answer was Sputnik... which is wrong b/c Sputnik is a Satellite not a shuttle :(
Oh shit, just read the actual page... wish Jason would've included that part and not just the confusing stuff.
Edit: I've now read the Steam page regarding this stuff, and it's no longer completely confusing.
It's all on one computer... so unless you'll let us use your computer this doesn't do anything special.
True, but they've always been bad. Look at the light blue line... it's been the same for a long time, the only lines that have actually thinned any noticeable amount are the two Nintendo lines.
Agreed, it's a horrible graph whose only purpose is to spread misinformation. A better graph would be a line chart. Where you would see that Sony's consoles have actually been selling pretty steadily. While Nintendo's will be the one that was huge in the beginning and has tapered off recently.
It won't really go up all the much, the height on the graph is completely due to the insanity that was the Wii and DS/Lite. Now that Nintendo isn't selling complete gangbusters anymore the total consoles sold (which is what the graph shows, each console is only a percentage) the graph is showing lower...
This entire graph is misleading. It's not Sony's fault that the Wii U is doing horrible right now and thus the overall graph is lower. The PS3 and Vita sales have been pretty solid the entire time, it's only Nintendo's Console (and some portable) that has had any drastic lowering.
Nope, it's a total with each color being a percentage of the total.