Make it so the when the TV is off... it's a mirror? Maybe have it so there's like a one-way mirror that switches between the directions or something.
Make it so the when the TV is off... it's a mirror? Maybe have it so there's like a one-way mirror that switches between the directions or something.
Still, it is nice to be able to just lie down on your back and watch a movie.
I can't believe it's been 3 years already... memories indeed.
I just assume it's a closed course (signified by the red/white guard rails) to show the driver the danger of texting while driving in a relatively safe environment, until you drive off a bridge or cliff something haha.
Fahey, I just realized that Durandal is one of the Legacy servers I have a character on! :D
the only problem about this, is that you're not allowed typing while looking at the road... which is totally possible <.<;
Yea, there's a quest around lvl 12 or so that gives you access to dyes. Currently there's no way to preview what the gear will look like afterwards though. (Unless it was secretly implemented recently)
A western comic with a black dude as a lead character would be Luke Cage or something, Batwing is actually from the Congo (or at least the original one was... I didn't know Luke Fox took over, which is a shame).
African Super Hero? Just make a Batwing game haha.
I can see that, except this time we get to play as the non-human.
I'm totally ready to have this be my first game purchase with the PS4... (with Drive Club being a close second depending on the free version for PS Plus)
Well that's good to know, as of right now, at least playing a ranged character, you'll unintentionally aggro a ton of mobs and you'll need a way to deal with them :/
You're right, it does sound familiar... PS3 and PSP comes to mind.
What's it say on the boat at 4:30?
It seems both companies were waiting for Gamescom to announce additional things. Microsoft had a closed-doors conference this morning (which is why all the Xbox One news), and Sony will be having theirs later today.
lol Exactly, I was thinking of this video the entire time.
So we should get the Play 'N Store and Power Disc Album eh?
Think of them as Basset Hound ear hats, then they won't make you as sad.