
Not out until next week... I don't know why everyone else gets it before US.

Yep... this is amazing.

Now I just have to remember this for when I get home today. I can't wait to play this with Neverending Story in the background :D

So it's a game about stealing... that tries to make actual thieves feel sorta bad? Hmmm... fair enough.

One of the biggest discrepancies between the 3DS in Japan and the rest of the world (besides Korea)? Animal Crossing isn't out yet.

To me, all the bases are covered in the character designs. You have the Top-heavy characters (Fighter/Sorceress), the super-musclebound characters (Dwarf/Amazon), and then you have the slim/average characters (Elf/Wizard). I don't get all the outrage, are people suggesting we should never have any top-heavy

I will say though that the Crispy Chicken and Bacon McWrap is really good. I didn't care for the Grilled Ranch one though :/

I would probably pay $55 for it all together, but $55 for only one? That's crazy.

The sideways commenting has gone away though... at least for now.

Ahhh that makes sense... so this will be issues #10-12 of the digital comics. Also explains why the digital covers are grouped in 3's. Thanks for the info~

Spoilers, Comixology/other digital comics outlets are up to Issue #14. (No reason to be 10 issues behind, especially since I think this is one of the better stories to get released lately)

Doubtful, I'm betting he read the title and the teaser sentence.

I agree, even the NPC women seem to have their shit together. Plus I'm assuming Tostada is a total supernatural bad-ass, since they didn't really explain her at all in the game (don't know if NPCs react differently when she talks to them in co-op, as I didn't play co-op).

Mario is on there because of Mario, kinda of the same reason for Nintendoland (they need a mini-game collection game up there). So I'm not too worked up about those, however the sub-par multi-platform titles shouldn't be on there anymore if they are causing great exclusives (I realize MH3U has a 3DS partner, but

What about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U? It has to almost be a scientific fact (I know I'm giving an opinion which is why it's not 100% fact) that game is better than Little Inferno... and possibly Assassin's Creed 3.

Well that looks absolutely amazing. Wish it would come out over here, or we could have our own Cry Engine 3 game on PS4/PC (maybe 720...).

Yep... I'm going to pick that up. Been waiting soooooo long for a good special 3DS XL edition to come out (that pikachu one was lacking).

Yep, was going to post the exact same thing. At least this ladder didn't have screen transitions.

Meh, I think people are getting too worked up over this. Then again maybe it's b/c I already use Crest toothpaste so getting an extra tube of it wouldn't hurt.

It is too late for me... if only you posted this ~10mins sooner... Was in the middle of eating my final meal of the day when I saw this.