
The post is a little misleading... They weren't expecting Tomb Raider to sell a hell of a lot more than it did... but rather Hitman Absolution and Sleeping Dogs did worse than they were projecting. They wanted 14.9 million retail games sold in 6-months in the West... instead they sold 8.75.

A lot of people make Green a primary color because it is.... in the Additive Color system.

There are two sets... Fahey's just a time-traveler who grew up using computers so RGB are his normal primary colors.

Your grade school art program should have taught you Red, Yellow, and Blue are the three primary colors... unless you are a time traveler and used computers :P

He (or someone else) fixed it already.

Don't worry... it seems as though Troy Baker might turn into the new Nolan North.

I can't speak about what happens in Infinite, but you have to remember Bioshock 2 wasn't made by these guys. So this should play closer to Bioshock 1 than 2, if anything.

I don't think you will be missing anything. Supposedly only some gameplay ideas are brought over... no characters or storyline.

I always thought it was html, but maybe with the redesign they don't have as much control as they used to... and so have to use images.

And they made that an image... well shouldn't be too hard to change either way.

That's crazy and awesome. It would take me that long just to separate one of those pieces from the others :O

Edit: Accidental post. :/

There's a misspelled Kotaku under the Comment Civility section, "'followed' by Kotkau"

So did everyone decide Dark Fury isn't a movie then? (I realize they mean live-action, but still...)

Oh come on guys! That might be the best Limp Bizkit song, even if it is a cover.

There are some games that when you transfer your cross-save/cloud save data to the other device, then load it up... you'll get all the trophies you unlocked from that save. This works with Sound Shapes and I believe Plants vs. Zombies. I can't say I've tried it out with things like the new Sly Cooper game or

I hope these have Cross-Save capabilities. I have zero hope that it'll be cross-buy since they're splitting the Vita version up into 2 separate things. I'll be buying all three if that happens though <.<;;;

Yea, I used to love Eclipses (back in the 90s before the redesign). Even now they aren't really that bad... it's easily the least lame of the cars on the list though.

McGee's it the better of the two. Lots of people (that are known to block shots at least) can and probably have done the block against the glass, not many people just catch a jump hook in mid-air. Especially since most blocking is done by batting something away instead of catching.

Also not really exhibiting clock management.