
Then they should just release everything with Robotech replacing Macross in the titles. The don't even have to dub, just every time someone says "Macross" sub it as "Robotech" haha. The can just say everything is a continuation of the first season of Robotech.

I'm pretty sure you're just trolling, but felt like posting this info anyway.

You can also pre-order this off of steam and get in the Alpha...

Nope, we got a normal 3DS instead (which I already have).

Has nothing to do with being insecure, I just think it looks horrible and childish.

Well I already have a 3DS (the Zelda special edition), but I would like to upgrade... preferably to another cool special edition.

Haha, while I do have a thing for single moms (no idea why really)... I think I'll be seen more as a creeper than a decent family man.

I could consider this one at least.

Bah... Nintendo bring over one of the XL's that I won't be completely ashamed of showing in public (or to my roommate since I don't play in public for the most part).

Got this for free when I picked up my Dreamcast a few years ago, only played a few minutes of it...

I'll also agree.

I'm fully behind these ideas... I'd buy all three haha.

Well Naruto has the better games at the moment... >.>

It probably didn't help that you didn't use your awakened state and team jutsu at all, and barely used chakra charge..

Ha so true, where I was from in PA people would merge correctly. Then I moved down to NoVA, and most people are horrible.

Not in the US (or at least by official means).

Now playing

I've watched the SDF Macross and Macross Plus, and now I'm on Macross 7 and boy do I just want to skip it haha.

Holy shit, that's Cheria! (Tales of Graces)... and possibly Sophie, but I don't really think so.

I never knew the exploding cigar thing was racist... I thought the faces turned black because of the exploding ash?