
The Igbos aren't homogenous either, and there are a lot of people who either don't self - identify as Igbos or aren't accreted as Igbos by the Eastern states. Igbo, the word, is also spelt in English and varies like most words in the vocabulary from dialect to dialect.

you're Igbo. That's South East, right? There are Yoruba in the west, Igarra, Edo, Ishan, Itsekiri, Ijaw (like your President), Efik, Urhobo, etc. I've read that there may be up to a hundred unique tribes in the South. Maybe the Ibos speak with one voice, but they can't speak for everyone else. Language is not

southern Nigeria is far more heterogenous than the north. There are tribes in the south where child brides are the norm, where female genital mutilation is enforced.

Or it could be both. We're not in her heads. Considering that many actors/directors are pushing it other to stay on the line of supporters for the likes of Warren and Roman Polanski, her concern about her image seems to me to be an exception, not the rule.

What job offer article? Please post a link.

After reading over a 100 comments, I'd just like to remark - in the slim chance it hasn't been said already - that people who suffer from mental illness really do not like it being equated to chemical addiction.

It seems to be going the other way in Nigeria... there you need to hope that the olds will outlive the current youths and somehow manage to get hold of the next generation before their parents/older siblings corrupt them.

Is this something she says in the book? Read it ages ago and I don't remember.

Please can we spare a few lines for Daenarys Stormborn, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, wearer of the Impeccable White Dress and HBIC?! I thought this was... you know... a feminist website?

By all means, cast non-white actors as part of your main cast... Then treat them like the rest of your main cast. Useless Matt gets to have Melinda Clarke as his mom, we see his home, we know he is a quarterback and works in the bar... Bonnie Bennett didn't get a house or a dad until Season 4. Her mother was a plot

Maggie Q also voices Wonder Woman in the Animated series. #fangasm

Exactly. See the backlash he got for making Arwen more visible in FOTR.

I forgot to add: the inter-racial romance was in Narnia, or rather in a Narnia book "Horse and His boy" the story of the lost Archenland prince and the Calormen princess that run away to Archenland together. They end up getting married and their son is the greatest King of Archenland.

Telmar really wasn't a dark skinned country: Caspian and his son Rillian (a.k.a. Hamlet) was as blonde as they come. (At least according to Phillipa Boylen's illustrations).

There were good Calormen and lots of evil White people (the White Witch being one, and just about every Telmarine born before Caspian). Lewis also wrote a happily-ever-after inter-racial romance in the 50s: something that a lot of Big Name writers have troubles getting right in the 21st century.

What need do a Christian apologist from Belfast [....] have for lady hobbits in [his] stories?

I feel like sideeffectofteamocil: the big appeal of Twilight is that it is a non-Mills&Boon, non-Halequin-Romance, non-Fabio-on-the-cover-boddice rippper book about romance. With a little action thrown in for variety. Unlike most genre books that are about action/thriller/mystery with a little romance thrown in for
