
The books get better. Once Clare stops trying to be derivative (Book 1 is pretty much Star Wars meets Buffy meets Harry Potter complete with stock characters - Fiery Red-head, Snarky Blond, Bitchy Busty Brunette, Nerdy Best Friend) and delves into the mythology and characters she has created, the story truly blossoms.

And that explains why "Flowers in the Attic" is out of print due to massive loss in sales.

Elena Gilbert wins hands down on the "Saved Over and Over and Over Again." It never seems to bemuse me that this site seems hell-bent on fabricating reasons* to hate Twilight while praising The Vampire Diaries to high heavens and ignoring all the racist, misogynist and basically nonsensical aspects of its plots.

I think your post is directed to the wrong person. I talked about the Vampire Diaries. I have no knowledge of Doctor Who beyond the old Tom Baker series...

And don't forget that this is the same io9 that posts glowing review articles about The Vampire Diaries a.k.a. the love story between Elena Gilbert and the vampire that raped her best friend, killed her brother and force-fed her his blood.

No, it's not because it isn't the same show being described here. Maybe it was that show for about half of the first season when Kevin Williamson was still hands-on but ever since it became Julie Plec's sole "Creative" vision, TVD has become a show that is worse than anything Twilight has ever aspired to. You think

If you actually watched this episode, you should already know that no, the kid was not secretly juicing horses... the kid was murdered by the centre's owner because she wanted her daughter - *his* girlfriend - to marry some rich brat and the kid would have got in the way of that. The "juicing horses" thing was just a

You're not the only io9er who thinks this way. But that's neither here nor there where other people are concerned.

Lawsuits against powerful men. So they are still talking about men .When one of the names on Oliver's Hit List of Rich People He's Not Going To Kill is a woman's - and Laurel & partner are persecuting said woman - then maybe they can pass the Test. Assuming, of course, that they don't do what they usually do and talk

Exactly. I feel that extending the "starvation diet" to under-adult age actors like Rue's would be unacceptable and probably illegal. But for the rest of the adult cast, then the film-makers should have: a, either asked them to look a particular way for the role or b, cast actors who already had a particular body type

Does it? Doesn't Christian Bale or someone emaciate himself for The Pianist? Didn't Renee Zewellger and Charlize Theron put on weight for their own roles? I think as long as they are working with adults, it's pretty ok for the movie producers to ask their actors to work on a particular body type.

So did I!

Cue the ""breast is best" judgment trolls" judgment trolls" judgment trolls!

Yeah, that was odd. On a shallow note, I love her outfit. They all look very bad-ass.

I am SHOCKED to see a post mentioning The Mortal Instruments in io9.

Oh great. I was just about to type this up: I always thought it was "civilization" that made the picking-and-choosing of mates a male prerogative? Everywhere in nature, it's the women who pick and choose and it's the men that have to preen. I believe this is how it was in the pre-historical times as well. I'm more

WTF, you are comparing potential rapists to blacks?! You are comparing some dude changing seats on a plane to being kidnapped, enslaved, lynched for winking at a White woman?!

Lady Gaga gets listed before Queen Victoria and Marie Curie? Oh-kay.

What happened to colour-blind casting? Or does that only matter when it's about erasing PoCs?

No, it's not predominantly Caucasian. There's nothing in the books or Collins's own words that supports that. It is an assumption that reflects Hollywood (and probably the average American viewer) 's prejudices: important and privileged= automatically Caucasian even though one of the most prominent Capitolists is