
I thought the same thing.

Their chemical dependency will always compromise their ability to reason out anything. Does this absolve them from responsibility of all the decisions they take when they are high?

I started crying halfway through your post. Those poor, poor children. My heart just goes out to them.

Emily Blunt turned down the role, and I think Scarlett did a fantastic job.

I don't even want to ask....

T2 is not a better movie than T1. It may be a more expensive movie but it is not a better movie.

Do you want Person of Interest to get cancelled?

Oh come on!

Specifically, the researchers say that opening up the waterproof barrier could allow for drugs to be administered through the skin straight into the bloodstream, bypassing organs like the liver and intestines.

Good ol' Bonnie and her witchy juju.

Thanks for saying this. I'm Nigerian. Growing up, half-Nigerian, half-other (European, Asian, even Middle Eastern) looked "other" to us. We could tell the difference between a half-European and a half-Asian but unless they were standing side by side, there was no difference between a White girl and a half-White one,

The EYES OF THE DRAGON was the first Stephen King book I read. I wish it was getting a big film release not a TV show from Sy-Fy. But I am glad that someone is making it into a visual media all the same.

"First we stop pretending," Eltahawy says:

Not a lack of education but an assumption that was taken advantage of: an assumption that if the hospital was sending me home with a bag of formula, they (and by they, I mean, the doctors, nurses etc.) were advising me to use the formula. My choices were undermined because the formula companies exploited my trust in

Actually, the article was promoting the formula's company's freedom to give free formula samples to new mothers in the hospitals. What that freedom (to give free samples) has to do with a woman's choice to feed her baby as she pleases... is a matter of debate. However, not going home with a bag of free formula

The existence of formula samples can undermine a woman's choice to breastfeed. When my baby was born, I nursed her and "topped up" with formula because the hospital gave me a bag of free formula and I assumed that that was what I was supposed to do. I didn't know any better. At night, I slept and handed her to her

Formula samples are not free. Just so you know. The cost of those "Free" samples are built into the cost of every bottle or sachet of formula that is selling on the super-market shelf.

Oh dear. I'm sorry. I assumed (wrongly) that you were saying, "it's not marketing formula that is harmful but the use of dirty water, etc.". I think it's morally wrong to market formula to people who don't have access to clean water, and who can't really afford the cost of formula. Nestle, etc. isn't responsible for

This so much!