
@Rick Lucey: Sam Raimi made this show, Legend of the Seeker, that has the fantastic Bridget Regan as Confessor Kahlan who fights with two knives and can compel people to tell the truth (and love her forever) with just a touch.

@LauraAnnT: Ha ha! I think Xena is definitely a 'modern-day' Wonder Woman. Talking about other Sam Raimi vehicles, Bridget Regan who played Kahlan in his show, Legend of the Seeker, will be brilliant as Wonder Woman.

@DocSeuss: I think your ideas are brilliant! I also want to add that we should remove the immortality aspect. Let time move differently in Theymiscira but let it move. It will add to WW's youthfulness.

I don't understand why this project is getting the kind of coverage that io9 is giving it. And in reply to the defence that you are covering a sci-fi movie that is debuting in Febuary, my response is that you don't cover every sci-fi/fantasy show out there. Legend of the Seeker got zero coverage from during

Well this 'experiment' is conjecture until the test subjects actually start dying. Which will happen sooner or later.

I think you meant to write ancestors, not descendants here:

@spritl: I loved those books as a kid! I had no idea that it was going to be a TV Show until I read the tropes entry. Too bad the idea didn't take off.

Maybe she can be a consultant for the re-vamped Fearless pilot?

I discovered Star Trek and I thought i was in love until I found Star Wars. I still feel like a cheating cheater. :/

I don't want to be a parter pooper, but if it's the guy that penned X3...?

@BiggieShorty: Thank you for saying this. I wish that celebrities are encouraged to speak up against these patdowns and maybe they'll eventually be reviewed.

Oh no. Legend of the Seeker doesn't deserve to be on this list. A lot of book fans loved it. A lot of people who hated the books for Terry Goodkind's rapetastic, BDSM fantasies loved the TV show. *shrugs*

@LadybirdRamone: In the end it comes down to personal experience, but there is enough anecdotal evidence that most national O & G associations have concluded that: a, pushing on one's back is less effective than squatting and going on all fours; and b, it's better for a woman to tear naturally than to have an

@anuran001: One of the reasons why I adore MULAN is that it's one of the few Disney movies where she not only had a mother but a grandmother! Sure, the important relationship was the one with her Dad, but it was nice to see that her mother was still... gasp!... alive!

@CharlotteT: I don't want my life to change in such a drastic and scary way.

@cinnamonpants: I was surprised when I was preparing to have my baby to find out from my foreign-trained O&G doctor that not everyone needs an episiotomy. The American Obs & Gyn Association have actually concluded that your vagina is likely to tear *more* if it's already cut (imagine trying to rip a piece of cloth

LOL @ No. 8. Don't tell me Sarah Palin made it to the Oval Office in this Alt-Earth?

@ccmp: When it comes to periods, I think it's a personal decision. Also, when you think about it, disposable pads are a relatively new invention for menstrual care.

@MetryMae: Some babies are clingy, regardless of whether they are breastfed or not. So... watch out! Though, if your kid is still begging for only Mommy at 18, you might need to get some help. :)

@marciax3: I had to take donor milk from someone like you. Bless you.