
Every critical control function in the model 3 / Y and refresh S / X are fully redundant. There are two computers, two power steering controllers, etc... Even duplicate wiring. 

I did look at the video. He was completely in control of the vehicle. There’s just no display of the speed. He wasn’t stuck at 83 mph. The display was stuck at 83 mph.

Yeah, this story is nonsense. The screen is independent from critical driving functions. The hazards, turn signals, etc. all continue working, even with the screen totally off. You just don’t get any indication in the car that they are on. Even autopilot will continue to run without the screen. I’ve rebooted the

Some things in this story don’t make sense to me.

I must be some crazy outlier because I’ve known about this issue since I was a child.

or don’t used silicone devices on wood that has danish oil on it. Sonos does this too, but no one cares because it isn’t apple. 

Soo… are you implying Apple waited for the Galaxy S8 to start designing their next iPhone? Another possibility is Samsung simply rushed a product out the door based on rumors of where Apple is going? idk ?? I think people are smart enough to know the differences at this point between buying a Samsung phone and an

I don’t understand, why does everyone have to be copying someone else? Do you think they waited to design the phone until Samsung released it a month ago?