
Do not! I repeat DO NOT buy these things let these assholes choke on them, between these guys and the scalpers they are the reason the fucking things were hard to come by and had sky high prices. Don’t let them recover a single fucking cent. Make it so that they have to just take the full loss. These guys should not

to whoever reads this, if you lost money in the cryptocrash:

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

Was gonna say the same thing.  Musk doesn’t believe in giving people credit because if he did he would have to admit he has never created a single thing, he just buys into other peoples shit

“Woke” is another word co-opted to be an insult, in a long line of things people co-opt because the truth behind the terms and/or discussion make them uncomfortable.

Yes, horribly, that’s absolutely what he’s trying to say. 

He’s insanely rich because he started out ridiculously rich because of apartheid South Africa, I think you can guess

Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.

Others say that EA is primarily interested in a merger arrangement that would allow Wilson to remain as chief executive of the combined company.”

What the internet did for communication, blockchains do for value.

1) Steal under pants

Nah, we understand your fake money nonsense scam quite well, thank you. 

That’s your take? Wow, get fucked.

If he was non-white they’d have shot him dead to prevent him committing suicide, rather than trying to talk him down.

You can’t be serious. Are you genuinely suggesting that there’s no possible way to get a man who is face down on the sidewalk in handcuffs who is outnumbered several times over by trained cops into the back of a squad car without killing them if they don’t surrender? Is that also why they didn’t try to render medical

I hate this country so much sometimes. Feels like we’re just circling the drain.

Fucking hell, at this point just put every god damn 4chan piece of shit on a watchlist. Shutdown their hosting, lock them out of financing and arrest the person running it.

His manifesto doesn’t mention Trump (I checked). He’s a full-on proponent of the replacement theory, so he’s markedly to the right of Trump, or, at least, markedly to the right of what Trump would say out loud).

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

At this point, if you find 4chan in your kids browsing history, it’s time to throw every internet capable device they have into a volcano and move to the woods. 18 years old, Christ.