
At the height of their military power (and moral corruption), Númenor had iron ships and “hollow metal bows”, which may or may not have been rifles. They also had architecture on a completely different level from that seen in Middle-Earth. Remember Orthanc, Saruman’s giant tower? That was built by Númenorian refugees

See. This is why I get frustrated with Warner Studios. You already have a well crafted DC Universe IN HOUSE! How difficult is it to take what you already have, learn from it, and craft a live action movie just as compelling? Why are they hell bent on constantly shooting themselves in the foot?

Luthor in Flash’s body: “At least I can find out who the Flash really is”

Well that’s 2 races he’s won in the past 6 months

Yep, same here. People are going to complain here about “PolItIcS iN mY kOtAkU” and whatnot, but I think it’s pretty interesting to learn they have an arcade at the President’s retreat. And not just an arcade, but they have Mario Kart machines? That’s pretty cool.

They walked their number down? Not sure if I follow, Democrats promised to pass a total of $2000 stimulus check. The same number the twice impeached orange man wanted. $600 was already given while Republicans were in power, the remaining $1400 is being worked on while also trying to pass it without the obstructionist

The dude is not wrong, but maybe skip all the f-bombs when sending emails from your work account in the future?!!? Seems like a teacher ought to know that.

Agreed! As an aspiring patent attorney I have serious doubts about the validity of this patent in the face of Alice v CLS–but who tf is going to litigate the issue? Huge stifle.

I can exclusively reveal that the passage continues:

The key thing to keep in mind is that, regardless of the wackiness of what’s going on on the /r/WSB board, the strategy here is ironclad-solid: Short-sellers got overexposed, over-bet on a struggling company to go bust faster than they naturally would, got surprised by good news, and are being pantsed as they’re

Key word in there is “threatening” to countersue. I’ll be surprised if he does for exactly the reasons you give.

Rudy plans to issue a public response today in front of the Ritz...

To all those who think that Rudy and Sidney Powell ( the other lawyer Dominion sued) will settle somewhere down the road the word is that Dominion will push this all the way to trial. A trial will bring the most accountability and lay bare everything for the press to report. Much better than a settlement which will

That is not the point. Preeeettty damn sure Dominion isn’t expecting to get anywhere near that amount should they win. This is meant to be a deterrent for future bullshit and to help redeem the legitimacy of their organization.

Some people are now retroactively combing through the books to project/ascribe whatever they want onto it. Dopamine is a hell of a drug. 

this hateful garbage by a hateful creator.

Personally I wish the Q cult ended the same way as the Heaven’s Gate cult....

I suppose that with the passing of Christopher Tolkien anything is possible, but the license is limited to the Second Age only. Middle-earth Enterprises controls the media rights to The Hobbit and LotR.

Amazon made a completely new deal with the Tolkien Estate. This isn’t the same contract that Peter Jackson’s films were bound under, on the contrary, they are allowed and required to use all published Tolkien lore. The contract specifically forbids them from making up anything that contradicts Tolkien’s own words, but

I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it.