
This is one of the most insanely petty stories I’ve ever read about a video game grudge. Also, tricking someone into a one-sided fight is pretty cowardly.

Here, just use this.

Maniac86 has the correct definition. Just google it. The uncanny valley is only the part where humans feel revulsion to the simulated person.

Everyone uses the term ‘uncanny’ valley, especially since Rogue One and the digital add-ins, likely because its a fun tech buzzword to throw around

I feel like this needs to be pointed out:

Correction, Rise of the Tomb Raider was pretty damn close to getting it right, both in character models and facial animations.

I love the copy from their website: our blanket is “double-sided.” You mean you can use EITHER side? High tech indeed.

I love the copy from their website: our blanket is “double-sided.” You mean you can use EITHER side? High tech

I think the main issue regarding this was that people who supported a project via kickstarter (while they did ‘pay’ for the game) aren’t going to be counted in the reviews anymore.

So true, Mel Gibson is another example of a talented scumbag. Hacksaw Ridge was a really great movie made by a potentially really cruddy human being that I enjoyed.

I used to play FPSs with a buddy who quite honestly wasn’t very good. I’d regularly end up in the top few frags in a round while he was typically middle of the pack.

Or, you know, the service with an established user base of millions. Hangouts.

This reads like an advertisement... 

This reads like an advertisement... 

Bruh, my kids are 4 and 6 and I’d still love a night nurse. Maybe just a night cleaning service. Or just help. Send help?!

9 month old, here.

Yeah but he’s putting his name on the game as though he helped create it. It has some moral factors too.

Dick’s lack of internal angst about everything allows him to adapt as needed, to see things that might be in Batmans blind spots and also allows him to work better with other Bat family member and allies.

Now no need to be so cynical. It’s just one small oversight.

Its pretty disgraceful that a person can make shit up and throw tantrums in court and get paid for being a liar.

....WHAT? Oh man... did you hate Slaughterhouse 5 too? This movie was solid as a rock. I didn’t see it as a “big reveal”, but as a steadily unfolding answer. I loved it. Hope it obliterates the box office to Hollywood takes a hint and we get more quality, original movies (even if it is an adaptation, at least it isn’t