
Rey’s not even remotely old enough to be Jyn’s daughter with Vader or Obi-Wan.

So, does this theory require the writers to make Darth Vader a rapist? Seems a bit far afield for a Disney movie.

The british were there already. Argentina was under dictatorship and /they/ went in and attacked them to “prove a point” and didn’t expect Thatcher to answer back. The war was ‘close’ however, Argentina being close to their homeland had an easier time restocking (even though they asked France for supplies), unlike the

Well yes, because any time the Argentinian government is in trouble they bring it up. Hell, the whole war started because Argentina assumed that Britain wouldn’t follow up on their threats of counter attack if Argentina invaded; the junta thought they could get an easy victory to distract people from some very real

It looks like a F2P game made in RPG Maker.

Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.

It definitely feels overly contrived, like Rowling started with a bunch of scenes she wanted to happen and then very poorly tied them together. Bleh. Although in the case of the customs, I can sort of understand it - he was deliberately trying to avoid attention from magical authorities because he’s smuggling magical

JLU has some of the best character moments that the DCAU has to offer. Sorry to hear that one detail turned you off

“ever since the first Justice League Unlimited story had Green Arrow join the team because of some hot female superhero...“

You mean Black Canary, Olly’s on-again/off-again girlfriend and crime-fighting partner since the 60's.

It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think

I just hope this wasn’t the last we’ve seen of Colin Farrell.

I’m sure someone already pointed this out, but that deathly hallows pendant Credence has was given to him by Grindelwald, and was a way for Credence to signal Grindelwald when he found the Obscurus.


They’d get owned, since they don’t have access to a mouse and keyboard. This guy switched to M&K, and since he was already fantastic at the game, he only got better thanks to the better input controls.

I hope everyone injured is able to recover.

You might be thrown off by the fact that Donald Duck is normally classically animated, rather than portrayed via CGI. If you look closely though, his feathers are the same white color, and he has the same yellowish-orange bill.

I will admit he’s lacking his sailor outfit and is wearing pants, but I think we can both

“This is already a hell of a time to be a federal employee. We’re a favorite congressional scapegoat. We haven’t had raises in years. Our health insurance is shitty, and the prices keep rising for us too. We are at constant risk of furlough. We’re overworked and understaffed. So now we’re looking at freezes of pay,

His wallet, wide open.

Ten crates of self-sealing stembolts.