
I was thinking tie fighter or pulse jet.

I have no problem at all with nudity and swearing, but that isn’t what Star Trek is about. I started watching Star Trek when I was 8 years old with my family, and it was the one thing that we always made sure to watch together every single week, until I moved out to go to college. A Star Trek that you can’t share with

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Jetsons is the only answer. For those who won’t click a link...

You act as if the Xbox One was state of the art, truly powerful to begin with... While also forgetting that 3 years have passed already since its launch and that it was an APU and not traditional CPU and GPU package. An APU by AMD. AMD that doesn’t do APUs very well at all but rather just do it. Combining two cheap

The catch is it’s a stupid, shitty Nintendo console. We know it’s technically inferior to Sony and Microsoft, yet costs about the same, and we’re asking why is it SO CHEAP?

Pretty much. I’m good with Netflix, and HBO and Showtime have always had that “premium service” cache attached to them. CBS, as far as I can tell, is still just seen as a regular network you get free shows from, for most people.

Beyond was amazing? No, no it was not. Entertaining? Maybe. Amazing? I didn’t think so.

Yeah it’s scary that this is what he thinks Trekkies want. After the delays and Fuller stepping down Discovery is looking more and more like Enterprise Redux. If it happens at all.

You have to remember they’re lying. They’re not putting Star Trek behind a paywall because they think it will fail on TV, they’re putting it behind a paywall because they think it will succeed. They think Star Trek fans are rabid and invested enough to pay for CBS All Access for just one show. They’re basically

“the online show will get to swear and have nudity...”

FSM, if ever we needed the social and scientific optimism of Star Trek, this is the time.

I’m starting to get the feeling Discovery isn’t going to happen.

That’s a huge peeve of mine. All ovens use convection to transfer heat from the element to the air in the oven, then to the food. How does adding a fan to assist in conducting heat from the element then to the food make that, specifically, a convection oven?

That’s a huge peeve of mine. All ovens use convection to transfer heat from the element to the air in the oven, then

Walter Peck, everyone!

He’s a legitimate scientist but unlike many fellow scientists he is far more skilled at communicating and advocating science publicly.

He has a PhD in astrophysics, is published in prestigious journals, and is the head of a prestigious scientific educational institution. He is most certainly a scientist. Dour you even have a physics degree?

Last night, in Steven Colbert, he explained that 2 black holes collided millions of years ago, for 0.1 seconds released more energy than the entirety of the universe combined, and created a gravitational wave that hit the Earth last year, detected with technology that JUST came into being to even know it was there.

Why the quotes around “scientist”? He’s an actual scientist who does actual science, and is respected by the community of people who actually respect science.

Yeah for real man, what kind of “scientist” has a doctorate in astrophysics from Columbia, anyway? Typical lamestream media conspiracy.

Can find some or all of these games online, for free.