
Looking like late 2016 at this rate unfortunately. I shouldn’t be disappointed, because since between Words of Radiance and whenver book 3 comes out, we will have gotten two Mistborn Wax & Wayne books, two Reckoners books (Firefight and Calamity) and (I think) a Legion book. Considering the wait we have for other

I cannot imagine how someone could dislike Sazed - he was my favorite. Why didn’t you like him? I’m honestly curious.

Jennifer Hale is light years ahead of the voice acting for ANY main character in any game I’ve played. The characters in Witcher are voiced well, but no - not nearly as good as Hale’s Shepard.

Usually the cutoff is whether or not they have PhD or other doctoral programs. In New York at least, I’m not aware of any non-Universities that offer PhD’s.

Yes, looks like! According to the Kickstarter: “We are still debating the best ways to present combat as that is ultimately dictated by the final budget, but rest assured it will be party and turn/phase based.”

I don't think he has a choice. There is no way HBO would have made a deal with an author known for ... let say... taking his time with books, unless they would have been able to go it alone. He obviously could have chosen not to make a deal with HBO, but if he was going to do so (which he did) that had to be one of

That's definitely my opinion on this. The show has done a great job, and unlike Martin seems like its actually going to finish. I've been waiting for a conclusion since 1996 and thankfully the show is giving me that!

I wasn't terribly interested until I saw that Alexander Siddig would be playing Doran Martell. After Pedro Pascal playing Oberyn, its a hard act to follow but I think he looks perfect for the role in the promotional pictures I've seen.

In terms of scary phishing emails - the worst I saw was one that was sent right after a new administrator started on campus. It spoofed his email address and was sent to all faculty addresses that were publicly listed. It looked very formal and professional and thanked all faculty and staff for their warm

I conduct these exercises for the college I work at. They've been extremely effective at bringing down the number of people falling for phishing scams (4-5 a month, down to 4 or 5 in all of 2014) and malware on computers as well.

With regards to the Numenera kickstarter, you mention: "This short film is based on the long running Fantasty tabletop RPG"

The sooner you stop the better. Emphysema took my mother at 50 and she stopped smoking close to 40. She always said that if she stopped sooner that less damage would have been done. I don't know how young you are but regardless, do what you can to stop (with help from doctors, friends, etc.).

Honestly, there were a lot of problems with the later (pre-Sanderson) books in the series. Books 7 through 11 should have been one or two books at most. That being said it was an amazing series and those reading it now don't have to wait 20+ years for a conclusion like those (like me) who started reading it near the

There leader would have to be either Wayne Gretzkey or Tim Horton of course.

My issue isn't his age. My issue is that he took 5-6 years per book BEFORE the show and the fame/events/etc., that have been generated by it. I just don't think he cares that much about a timely completion to the series. That's why I'm glad the TV series will finish it in the next 1.5-2.5 years (since there's no

I'm a fan of the books first and the show second. I love that the show is outstripping the books because its my only hope for a conclusion of the story anytime soon if ever. I've been waiting since 1996 for a conclusion to the story and the show is doing a damn fine job of it so good for them!

As a fan of the books originally since the first book came out - I'm glad for the TV show. I feel like its the only way I'll ever get a conclusion to the story.

No mention of Happy Fun Ball?

That's Miguel and he's Leena's father. The music playing there that you mention is one of (if not the) best songs in the game, "People Seized with Life". I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't heard it (or haven't heard it in a while).

I really don't get this. The only book that they really had to split into two seasons is the third. Season 4 will almost certainly start covering parts of books 4 or 5. Those two books can be condensed into a single season honestly.