Everyone, go watch today’s Google doodle!!
Everyone, go watch today’s Google doodle!!
I know, I knowingly took the bait. The thing is, I couldn’t resist calling out the mouth breather on it’s own hypocrisy.
Men will never get along. It’s just in their DNA. They are constantly fighting over territory, political power and the attention of women.
Hey look, I can make sweeping generalizations too!
You can never become someone else, no matter how hard you try. Compare yourself only to the person you want to become.
- awesome advice from a Buddhist book
This is a good way to be, in general. However, they are made with palm oil, so technically they contain the tears of baby orangutans who just watched their homes be destroyed :((
Most of the big councils have a camp, or share one among several nearby councils.
I think they taste good, but have you read the ingredients in those things?? Pure garbage!
Yeah, I’ve done work with nursing assistants and learned how little the ones who actually, physically heal patients are informed of the department’s big picture.
How much do you think these attitudes affect patient care? I understand doctors and nurses are trained by different schools of thought, but it makes me wonder why hospitals don’t do anything to help their staff work together?
I’d love to read a book with her own illustrations! She’s a pretty talented artist!
Show us your headshot. Let us see your perfection.
Loved this series!!
It makes me wonder how many Americans never cook from scratch, or cook at all. I wonder if since they’ve lost their connection to food with *real* flavor, do they even enjoy it as much as we do?
Basil flowers are so pretty! Do it!
The wisdom of her advice comes in “keeping it clean.” If your room is messy, your mind will be messy.
So true, forgot that minor detail! I was Greek, and happily voted in exchange for ice cream or house “points”.
If I were her, I’d run her next campaign explicitly stating she’s not machine-backed. It’s all a popularity contest, that would work well on Facebook/yikyak
Fellow alum, I’m so proud of her!! She’s a stellar representative for Alabama and the many, many progressive people in the state who want to help Alabamians achieve more.
Hi Ellie, at the top of the article, you called the paper “Orlando Sun-Sentinel”. It’s just Sun-Sentinel that covers South FL, not to be confused with the Orlando Sentinel covering Central FL.
Since they vote as a block, they vote in “approved” candidates to SGA, who are then told to vote on numerous things related to student life... Most significantly, allocating money to campus clubs/activities. They tend to give the most money and attention to things that benefit Greek students.