ummm... can you tell me how stardew valley is outstanding and revolutionary? Legit question.
ummm... can you tell me how stardew valley is outstanding and revolutionary? Legit question.
All things are like puzzles you have to crack. Including games.
Finally. More of my friends will get back to Rocket League.
To optimize performance, collision physics is usually a single function called from an event (detecting a collision between hitboxes). two-way collision detection is uhh... in my best effort to euphimize words - unthinkable.
Holy smokes! Once this is done i’ll be sure to DL my Age of Empires in steam which i haven’t touched since i bought it some 2-3 years ago.
By “useful” you mean they get paid for it right? Of course! Sure, it’s useful!
Huh? Excuse me? Why did you make it sound like Russians are at fault here? Hello? Who was spying and invading territory again?
What? Those are seasonal over there? You practically see those here 365 times a year!
Sure? i dropped the anime after ep. 6 because it got a little to cliche for me.... idk... did the anime butcher the manga?
Don’t buy it. Save yourself some headache.
I HAD an elite controller. It was one of the worst purchasing decisions of my life. I was poisoned by bloggers, store reviews, marketing, etc, etc. from my month long research about that hideous piece of crap.
Prasertvithyakarn said
It’s not an addiction. Until you lose your job because of Rocket League. Uhmmm...
and still take credit for it, hundreds of years after.
Goddamnit, Right on!
Forget friends, try family. I’m one of the guys who rejects my cousin’s then-boyfriend because of his...steeply aesthetic challenges. I can’t imagine our blood mixing with that guy. He was shorter than my cousin. Besides being ugly, his frame was even smaller than hers and her frame was average already. This guy was…
Basing on the booking details above, you people in ‘murica sure are taking swatting lightly.
People still call swatting a prank?!?