matchmaking is incredibly slow, sometimes in excess of three or four minutes.
matchmaking is incredibly slow, sometimes in excess of three or four minutes.
pro gaming still isn’t a stable career path.
More on that kid. He was the only one who answered objectively. Kid must be INTJ or something.
This was the biggest reason why i played Grandia IV. At the time, i thought the gameplay looked exactly like a FMV.
Just waiting for Rocket League to do the same now...
Teamwork makes the dream work... but toxicity makes it a nightmare.
Remember when Nicolas Cage started doing weird roles?
What a misleading clickbait title. What a waste of time.
Meh. This is just like saying: “A husband who’s married for 20 years was found out to crave HAREM SEX for the same amount of time. The husband never did it once though.”
You call 900+ hours in that game as not having a life?!??? LOL. Noob.
Guy is a douche.
Shroud is one of the better streamers in the community my ass. He deflected the blame on something else so as he will not take any repercussions for the shit he’s done to another player. What will he do when they play together? Hold hands and gallop towards the sunset? LOL. What a coward. He can’t even…
lol. You just reminded me of a friend of mine who 95% wins all the cycling races he enters. When i first went into his house, i was shocked to see how the trophies are thrown in a corner like some garbage. It’s just too many. Especially those cup types. He calls it “tin cans” LOL.
^ This.
Ctrl + Shift + P
This is an all star cast? Meh, maybe it’s just not my taste.
I don’t understand. Why was this a surprise? Shouldn’t every tournament winner feel elated and jump out of their seat as it happens?
Watch. In a year DOA XTREME Sense will have the sense of touch/feel.
lol. Wait till Rocket f’cking League comes out.
dafuq? That’s 5 photos!!!!
I take it you never wondered why because you said “something going on there”. It’s simple, recreational activities were discouraged, even shunned from women ever since one discriminatory asshole with power thought women should just “stay in the kitchen” in ancient times. And then a mob of fans and followers of that…