sports are games.
sports are games.
TBH, pretty disappointing.
daaaaamn son. More pictures!
You must still be around in platinum level if you’ve never thought of doing that before. :P
Insane??? No, those aren’t. What an exagerration. You’ll know if you’ve been playing Rocket League for the last year or so.
Some of the art styles on these are so familiarly.... hentai. LOL
I remember dropping the anime series when i was around 9 years old because the story just always ends up with “team rocket blasting off again”.
LOL. This is clearly the work of an artists imagination only. No research or anything about how Vaders’ stances should be. lame.
You call that cute? This is cute:
That’s it? This article lacks richness in content. Disappointing cover for such a great event with so much to write about.
There’s a fundamental problem of NA teams that’s why they got fully dominated in the LAN finals. Last RLCS season almost the same thing happened. It’s related to basic American “style” of doing things. I ain’t saying it. But if you watch Johnny boi_i streams, you’ll get it.
Buying an xbox one elite controller was the worst investment of my life.
I remember when i was shown PPAP for the first time. The was laughing, kept on saying it’s hilarious and the whole time i was like... “meh”.
Coincidentally, this is the year that i became inactive at buying steam games.
Uhhh... My Rocket League is almost 1,140+ hours. And that took like 8 months. lol
final fantasy card games.
When i was at uni, i had no internet, used a CRT monitor on a makeshift computer table and makeshift computer chair. Makeshift, but it was actually all my uni years. The desk space was only big enough for the monitor, keybard and mouse. I downloaded what i can from school and save it to a...wait for it.... floppy disk …
Lol. It just said men wearing women’s clothes. None of the sexism and phobia you’re trying to say. Now that is being judgemental.
Hah. I thought about this while reading the article. Like as if the market will tolerate perma-permadeath games.