
That’s what a college workspace look like now?

Internet rule # 34-36 lad. That should suffice your question.

I’m surprised the software engineer who is the workhorse that takes like, the most of the workload has the lowest salary here.

LOL. I don’t think it’s crazy to say that this console looks like a closed laptop.

Whoever is in the right here, I am very impressed by the fact a game has the tools to allow its players to properly and accurately protest how terrible they think it is.

Even more in-depth content than the article itself. Hilarious. Shame on Luke. Luke needs to hire you.

That was an annoying video. 2 “WHAAAAT?”s is enough as you get surprised. 3 is doable. This is just overacting.

This guy plays like how i play Rocket League defensively. Nice positioning.

This is an excellent counter argument too. Keep on flowing!

Bows (repeatedly)

I lol’d. I don’t agree with you but this is really funny.

Yeap! dude... you gotta read it. Almost one chapter another they keep on closing loose ends. Or maybe just read it after it finally ends and enjoy a marathon. Be sure to lock all social media sites though!

why a lot of people keep on saying that Bleach has lost it’s popularity/glamour/coolness for a long time and this ending has been expected but now i get it.

Literally FILLER in a canon manga. I sat there and was like. “Why tho? Kubo-san, you have 30533 other characters that are in the queue, use them!”

Reading the comments.... It’s sad to see a lot of people not appreciating, digesting and just absorbing what content they get most of them (let’s admit it) get for free.

‘Nother LOL.

Flamestarter detected.


I thought i was finally going to see

Legend of Legaia

I just screamed, all alone in my room at the ending of the trailer.