
Let’s not forget that Mike Pence is a soulless, money-grubbing hypocrite who told his devoted, rabid conservative listeners that it’s not clear if tobacco causes 2000.

1.) This video makes her objectively awesome.

It takes a lot of fortitude not to fall into that wide open maw. Falling into the maw would be easy, it would provide an outlet for the anger and the sheer emotional release would be cathartic in a way.

As a former Iowan, I get so angry at anti-immigration and anti-illegal-immigration rhetoric spewed both from inside and outside the state. Corn, beans, pigs. It is hard, backbreaking, exhausting, smelly, disgusting work. You know who doesn’t want to do that work for the wage the farms offer? White people.

It does look like she’s in a different room/building/state from the other photos.

I’ve never heard of this guy until now. She’s Faith the Vampire Slayer. 

Tiffany’s picture is so bad. The lighting makes her look like a cardboard cutout.  Is she even at the White House, or did she just email them a picture from another party?

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

Yeah, but nobody worries about changing Trump; he just shits on the Constitution every day

Proposed as a 28th Amendment to the Constitution: No white shenanigans. Should “shenanigans” be called, a vote shall be taken among all affected minorities. If the call is confirmed, the shenanigans shall be cancelled and all white folk in the relevant area shall be disenfranchised for a period of ten years.

STFU, and eat your avocado toast, twerp!

Um, she wasn’t though. He’s clearly poking fun at himself, the idiot who proposes to girls 5 minutes after meeting them. There was nothing mean-spirited about his joke. 

Plus, the joke was clearly self-deprecating. I’ve been saying it from the start that they’re both unstable and immature but Pete seems like the nicer one here, Ariana gives me mean girl vibes. Pete made some tasteless jokes but I guess it’s lost on people that joking about something isn’t the same as doing something. 

Her half day in Cairo would’ve covered my disability costs for 6+ years.

The White House Halloween party must feature an appearance by Nosferudy Ghouliani, who scares children of all ages (and, one presumes, bears the scent of sulfur).

And I wonder, like always, how is any of this even real?!

If that song gets stuck in my head for the third time this week, I'm coming for you. 

I generally look to the Real Housewives when getting medical advice. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

My mother gave this book to my sister and I both before we got our periods. It was her version of “the talk.” So when we got our periods,we were like, “Wait... where’s the belt?” My father was horrified to discover this a decade or so later and was like, “It’s a wonder they didn’t end up pregnant since you didn’t tell

This is the Miss America pageant we deserve.