
I think you’ve hit on something. I postulated downthread that McGowan will end up cashing in as a rightwing libertarian firebrand. And that’s the direction Kanye’s been headed (though his seems more rooted in hero-worship of Trump, “abolish the 13th amendment” is seriously off the rails far right lunacy).

Rest and cry it out. Then put on your big person underpants and fight. You do not get to give up. My tribe has been fighting for our rights since country was built on our blood. It feels like ten steps forward then 7 steps back. YOU DO NOT GIVE UP. Ask every person running for senate to begin impeachment hearings for

That cool stoner guy grew up to be the dude who got black our drunk with me, tried to make out, and when I said “UHHH NO THANKS” said “Oh shit I’m sorry” and took like ten steps away from me. Not hard folks. 

I’ll never forget it. 2007 in health class we were watching a documentary about sexual assault and some asshole bully started making fun of how gross it was and how the girl was ‘too ugly to rape’ and my cool stoner dude neighbor stood up and told him to shut the fuck up in the middle of class. Just wanted to share

For every imperfect male ally, I know three chauvinists.

I’m so sorry your night ended up like this. My husband and I went to take dinner to friends who just had a baby, and that was probably the nicest part of my day and I’m thankful I got a small reprieve.

What a disaster.

I relapsed after 10 years of sobriety the day the elections results came back.  I shit you not, I was recovering from a back surgery, realized Donald Fucking Trump was going to be the POTUS.  My mind began to fragment and the only thing I could think of was to take a few pain pills to blot out this new reality.  I was

Yep, the photos are rough but the video is indefensible

I bet 9/10 women have been in this situation countless times.

He knew, and he knew “he had the right to do so”.

Someone needs to clear up the date discrepancies. According to an article on The National Post, the alleged incident happened on Aug 3, Trudeau’s apology was issued Aug 4, the dates of the festival were Aug 5-6. According to the festival’s PR manager, Tanya Olivia, Trudeau arrived on Aug 5.

I’d take a good look at Jagmeet first.

As a Canadian, I am genuinely conflicted about this. I love his stance on social issues such as his support of LGTBQ people, equality of women, and legalization of marijuana (I don’t smoke it, but people shouldn’t go to jail if they do). At the same time, ifthe behaviour in the above article is something he’s done on

Can we have a 500 Days of “Eat Shit, Ivanka” along the lines of Gawker’s 500 Days of feckless whatshername?

Yeah, I thought that was some bullshit too. Once again, medical professionals tried to literally speak over a disabled woman and ignore her wishes.

Why would they throw out the person interpreting?!? That is beyond terrifying. They always have to talk to the patient. What the hell?!? I am glad she yelled at them. Glad he stayed. That is s really sweet story.

I’ve never understood people who pay a fortune for IVF or surrogacy so that they can have kids that are biologically related to them, when there’s so many kids in foster care who need loving parents.

That and/or they wanted to “keep trying for a girl”, despite the overwhelming numbers in foster care...

I graduated in ‘91 too. {Waves frantically}