Hey, I’m 64 - been ‘invisible’ for quite some time. You get to say the hell with it and move on with your day.
Hey, I’m 64 - been ‘invisible’ for quite some time. You get to say the hell with it and move on with your day.
I’m 41 1/2 and being invisible is awesome, you get away with a lot more shit.
my personal belief is that anyone under 100 is young. WELCOME TO THE FUTURE.
Same here! Honestly, it was the most freeing thing in the world to realize I can now fade into the crowd and no one suspects a thing....bwahahaha!
Artists have always had brands. They were just described using other words in the past.
Practically all famous artists (like artist artists) have and are brands.
It makes me think he’s saying she did something to deserve it. Why is “his story” relevant? It happened, it’s illegal, he was convicted.
Um thanks Pitbull but the court did determine what came about and Chris was convicted.
Are you actually making the argument that a woman in an evening gown and flat shoes is roughly equivalent to a sloppy man in board shorts and a muscle tank? Because if so, then you need to go back to the drawing board and find a new thought.
I think every woman there should get on a plane and leave. Total boycott of Cannes. The only reason it has any relevance or credibility is because we assign it such. I’m pretty certain if we look hard enough, we can find a city that would love to host a film festival attended by the best and brightest in Hollywood.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
No. If he tries to stand up for the new guy—a guy he doesn’t even know—suddenly he’s going to be the one to get shit on. He doesn’t have any power in this scenario; he’s not a manager, he’s a low-rung employee barely above the guy who’s just been hired. Additionally, you don’t know how badly he needs the money that…
(Editor’s Note: I have serious feels about “Tall” being the name for a fucking Small and “Grande” being a goddamned Medium. Fuck you, Starbucks, I will order a Large, not a Venti, and you will FUCKING LIKE IT)
Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.
In 1960, the year in which the first season of Mad Men takes place, my mother was living a few subway stops uptown…
I know it’s de rigueur to talk about how terribly unfunny SNL is - so everyone forgive me - but man last night’s episode felt particularly horrendous! not just the opening mono, the sprint sketch (I hope Leslie Jones practices her cue card reading and timing in the off-season b/c I love her so), the vacation…
Oh man, Louis C.K. standing between two women; did he manage to keep it in his pants for a change?
So you’re saying that Steven Tyler does in fact walk this way AND talk this way? That’s incredibly reaffirming.
There is more than “one.” But, they’re supposed to be *upstanding* people. A good friend was head a of a local Ronald McDonald’s house. At one of their fundraisers, Ronald showed up drunk and was hitting on my friend.
I have two: One happened to me and was horrifying, one happened to a friend and is hilarious.