My husband and I both wear them to go out for a smoke. Guess we’re gay.
My husband and I both wear them to go out for a smoke. Guess we’re gay.
Well, my friends and I aren’t. But we also don’t have landlines.
I think he’s a snake. But, it was funny watching that government throw their support to keeping a KFC open, even the health minister did an interview lmao
I’ve lived in Alberta for 40 years, essentially my whole life. I only agree with point 3. Harper was a snivvly slimy fuckstick, I don’t care for Notley or some of her policies, but people are being unfair to say the least.
I lived and worked in the most diverse area of Calgary, and never heard anything towards blacks. Occasionally about Chinese and Indians if they have accents, but people would tell them to shut up. Hey, we got Nenshi! However, tensions in general are very high around here right now, and the racist assholes may not…
Yet all the comment sections are so vicious. I don’t know how they have the energy to be so mad. I unfollowed my mom, but check her page now and again. Today she posted some Buddhist thing about being kind and present, followed by two vicious Notley memes. :headdesk:
Nope, we’re building a wall if he gets in.
Sounds stressful. Our seller was okay with a lower offer, but wouldn’t budge on anything else, and wanted an accelerated closing.... When the bank suddenly asked for something else. Seller was pissed that it got delayed a few days, and we were the first offer in 6 weeks.
I do like 80%. It used to be more equal, before I became SAH. So he’s gotten used to it (and works away), and our kid is a piggy. She picks up all the litter outside so the neighbourhood looks nice, but then throws socks and snotty kleenexes on the floor at home! I’ve lost all desire to even try to keep up. Pretty…
I’m going to school right now and have decided to have a cleaning service once I’m working. Today, my husband said he could hardly wait until I get to work. 😂😂😂😂
Good luck- so exciting!
Pit-pit-vulva-butt is normal, boob sweat or actual dirt get dealt with as needed. Legs when shaving.
Oh god. Could you imagine, regular ceasefires for periods and salon days? The fall out and sniggering for that?
If they didn’t have a judge handy who would have knowledge of black hair, at the least have an expert to testify what the options are. With few exceptions, we don’t have to deal with the texture and cultural implications of black hair, so just don’t know. I wouldn’t get a plumber to advise me about car tires.
I was reading this with interest, but neutral until that last line. It’s ok if she shaves her head instead- that’s a big WTF option. Asking for hygiene (or about), or requiring that her hair be pulled back off her face suddenly seems so much more reasonable. Asking for tidy is a whole different thing than asking for…
I thought he was watching Muslim celebrants at a New Jersey 7-11 that day.
The toddler section is where it's at. Does wonders for my ass too.
Unfortunately, no, not everyone knows the difference. It bugs me that the female body is so mysterious that even women avoid learning the proper terms. Wouldn't you look sideways at someone who called their face a nostril? Destigmatizing the proper words will lead to better information in many ways.
Your vag is entirely inside you, unless you have a prolapse, nobody will probably see it on the beach. If you do prolapse, go to the ER.