
It was all so masturbatory.

Oh fuck no!

I'm having a hard time finding sympathy for her, because it's not about her. I tried the book and just couldn't get through Italy with her. Almost didn't even get through the divorce part, I just kept yelling at her to grow up. The really cynical side of me is noticing that she has a relationship with a built in exit

“We won.”

Related to the recent comment thread on how women’s obits are written, notice how her work began and ended this one? It didn’t lead with her stroganoff recipe and family accomplishments?…

The fact that it was the first thing mentioned does imply that it was. News is written with the important stuff first, progressing down to lesser details. So yes, they defined her as a cook and mother, who also did some science stuff too.

I figure middle names are used so seldom, it wouldn’t be a big deal to put it there. Pretty crazy to have to think of that to keep our kiddos safe from their own relations.

This was a security thing as well as ‘have a serious name’ thing. It hadn't originally been the plan to rename, until we ran into it.

Lol! This was the equivalent of Deszstinee... Not a dr/lawyer/teacher/ serious resume name.

A big part of it was also for her security, our worker even suggested it.

She actually adjusted to the name faster than I thought, after a couple weeks she would go up to us and say “I Tay-wor!!!” Part of it as well, was not being able to be easily found until she can make the choice to be found, her name was literally the only one in the province within years of her birth (maybe ever). At

When we adopted our daughter at 18 months, we promptly changed her first name to the middle and gave her a new first. Her former name was a horribly misspelled trashy mess that would have looked too good on a stripper program. We kept it for respect of the birth family, but hid it out of respect for her.

Both have done a lot of good, doesn't mean they're saints. Most people with their drive and ambition are at least somewhat narcissistic.

Do we have anyone with her reach trying to continue these conversations still? First it was Donahue, she then continued and expanded, but it don't think we have anyone with the same now.

Both have done a lot of good, doesn't mean they can't be flawed.

Thank you!!! I got married that year and was wondering how that worked.

My daughter seems to think boy clothes are made out of spiders, so I can’t let her see where I get them. She's been like this since 3 or 4 years old, and is a princess now. Has to have pink to play in the mud :/

Meh, she still does Walmart, so probably would be ok with McDonald's with the right person.

Do you leave them at home, or do they freak out that you buy them ‘boy clothes’?

A couple years ago, Children's Place got wildly gendered, everything was fuschia and sequinned and tulle, the shirt sayings were crazy inappropriate. Suddenly my go to place for preschool clothing was trying to make my grade oner a bar-star. So, I left her at home so I could shop both sides of the store and basically