
Love me some exfoliating skin wipes by Simple when I can feel the built up grime after a few days of not showering. Bonus points because I can clean my face and then apply spf moisturizer while stuck in traffic so I arrive at work looking fresh faced (if not clean-haired)

Love me some exfoliating skin wipes by Simple when I can feel the built up grime after a few days of not showering.

Part of me likes the idea of Stephen Hawking playing a Bond villain, but I am also over the evil scientist as villain trope. I think if we're going to modernize these Bond movies then we should create villains that reflect our times, like unconscionable CEOs or hedge fund managers.

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?

I am pretty sure the only solution is to orchestrate some kind of Freaky Friday situation where Rick Perry is forced to inhabit the body of a young, female, undocumented immigrant. I give him 8 hours before his selfish, sadistic ideals are not only abandoned, but reviled.

Yes! This scene in particular made it clear just how much Legally Blonde borrowed from TBH. Too bad it's impossible for any progeny to measure up to a movie that found a way to seamlessly incorporate a musical number, dance sequence, bear grylls angle, and true Beverly Hills fashion- take note, Reese Witherspoon,

Whoa from the thumbnail picture, I thought that was Kurt Loder

Wingardium Levioslap

The Glamorized, Self-centered Asshole. e.g. Ari Gold in Entourage, Hank Moody from Californication, and for those that point out that the former are not really sitcoms, then I would throw in Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock.

"Internet panopticon"

Also, I feel like the scene where all the co-workers convince Danny to go after Mindy is reminiscent of Notting Hill when all his friends encourage him to go chase after Anna at the end

But srsly, how is Taylor Swift friends with EVERYONE? I am starting to think she might be the real life version of Katherine Heigl's character in 27 dresses....

In my grandparents' bathroom. Disturbing, I know, but not all that scandalous? It gets worse.