Caffeinated Snorlax

Gate keeping you from what though? All that end game content that yellow track jacket gives you?

It’s honestly nitpicking at this point, I have yet to run into a bug that has been game breaking for me. It’s not like players are running around under the map or anything.

I honestly prefer this method of making revenue. It will guarantee the rewards you’re working for. I can spend $10 on the pass and complete missions to get the skins and cosmetics I want or I can spend an infinite amount of money on keys to open the RNG crates and get the same garbage I always get out of them. 

Cash grab ahoy! The base game costs cash so incentives to keep playing shouldn’t be additional costs to the players. If PUBG wants to nickel and dime paying for its servers, it should do so with cosmetics, gestures, emotes like Monster Hunter World does.

To me it seems like every other game out there trying to generate revenue after release. Almost literally every game has something like this. Don’t like it, don’t buy it folks! 

Hold on, you’re saying they introduced the pass after Fortnite did.

Twitter is such a shitshow. I really wish it had gone out of business when the finances were looking weak. Humanity would be better off. 

What the hell is wrong with you?

What you’re doing is going to lead to open warfare in the streets.
And I’m suspecting that YOU won’t actually be doing any of the fighting. Just exhorting people into ever-greater stupidities.

You know what Trump is? HERE FOR A LIMITED TIME.
The country can survive him and grow beyond him.


Illegal ALIEN’S have broken into our house and one dimensional MORNIC regressive lieberals, say they deserve keys to the house, the car, free healthcare, free education, welfare, food stamps, and they have the right to our paychecks ~ There is a difference between charity and stupidity!!!! Anyone not realizing this

Given the history of crossover between the Alien and Predator franchises, it's a little confusing to refer to the Predator as "the Alien."

I’m not sure what the problem is, it looks perfectly serviceable and a lot better than the last Venom appearance on screen.

Seems as if you are slyly proposing anarchy in the streets. Surely you are not trying to incite anarchy in the streets...or are you?

Ugh, enough with the “symbiote” bullshit. Every single dictionary lists “sim-bee-oat” and “sim-buy-oat” as both valid pronunciations.

Hey, you long-winded twerp, that stretch limo you and/or your friends torched represented all the hard work and pride of a recent immigrant to the USA, as I recall. What’s the big achievement of Antifa in that regard there?? Not headliner material I would say. See:

Do people not realize that they live in the most peaceful prosperous period in recorded history? The proof is in the explosive population boom and uplifting of countless millions from poverty. The fact this pedant can find such an easy venue to spout his simplistic view of the world to so many thousands is proof of

Wow, you people are now openly advocating for violence against your political opponents. This is an actual fascist tactic. Trump all trolled you all into showing your real face. Keep going with this discourse, when all is burnt to the ground we will all be equally dead.

“Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed.”

Booing someone out of a restaurant isn’t power it is just adults unable to separate politics from life and acting like immature teens. No matter how much I disagree with someone politically I am not going to confront them and their families when they are out and about.

I would agree if the protest was being applied honestly and clearly.  It however is not.  It is being applied unevenly and by one group of people who doesn’t understand the truths of their reality.  These people didn’t give a shit before profiteers could attach the name “Trump” to these things.