Caffeinated Snorlax

Two posts beside each other. I gotta ask ... Why don’t you guys like Manny?

Two posts beside each other. I gotta ask ... Why don’t you guys like Manny?

No one else seems to recall the Florida Funeral episode for Phil’s Mom.

Kind of hoping they don’t go with an adult parent because they’ve already addressed Phil’s Mom passing away. 

I guess Phil’s Mom wasn’t around enough for her death to be significant. But the whole family did go to Florida for the funeral. Phil even hooked his Dad up with a certain lady in the retirement community by request of his Mother’s last letter. So it’s already been done to a degree. 

I eagerly await the chat rooms that accompany said videos to be filled with people repeatedly calling everything fake news. The storm is fake it’s all special effects off camera, the reporters are actually in a green room, that tree that blew over is fake, the flood water is fake, even the reporters themselves are

Forget the fat shaming. This man has skipped leg day! Never skip leg day!

Because you know those of us who have greasy/sweaty hands are all just ... well, you know. Slobs.

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Bring in Lita with her lucha libre background!

Sue them. Sue them all. Especially for making mistakes!

Only in some states. Even then they have to be raised like livestock and can’t be a family pet. 

Poor guy must have forgot he was making them. It’s pretty easy to burn cookies and pancakes on a Foreman Grill. But catch on fire? Damn. That takes skill. 

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“Healthy predators in an area with an abundance of prey tend to avoid each other.”

One thing I have noticed in the Purge movies is the Purgers all seem to avoid each other or pass each other by looking for innocents. Then when a victim is found everyone sorta teams up to go after those few people. That doesn’t seem realistic, even animal predators attack each other, especially if you take gaming in

That was far more informative than the article. Thank you for taking your time to explain in detail. I have never been a fan of the guy but sometimes feel bad for the way fans treat him (minus the times he brings upon himself). Guess I am missing the gene that causes one to lash out with such animosity towards those I

Poor Wheaton. The public keeps reminding him that he’s not the celebrity he sees himself as.

Interestingly enough LifeHacker did an article about nice and troll free the Mastodon platform is. So either it’s gotten worse since the article or people just really do not like Wheaton. And there are many of those people.

Yeah, you don’t mention Kotaku on Steam. The players will hunt you down, destroy your base, and place signs as grave markers stating “cuck lived here”.

By working with Ricky Gervais.

He was always presented as one of those Mindfuck/When You See It memes. Like this one which isn’t really scary either. Never thought he was intended as anything else until the game came out.