
This is good news, right? Right?

Who's for rape? Is there a club or a an association? Do they have national conventions?

Lol. You've never been south of DC, right? Come to Texas or the South without AC in the summer

Compelling post as we enter summer

Nothing hurts more than those

Roth should be your priority bc it grows and will withdraw tax free. Not just tax advantaged

Eh. That's self selecting.

Why protect this pussy’s identity? Name him & shame him

File charges or stfu. Passive-aggressively carrying around a mattress is stupid.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

The tip PR industry is getting out of hand. Tipping now apparently for anyone just doing the job they were paid to do. Tips are something extra.

If you're going to demand e right to kill your child, at least have the decency to pay for it yourself.

Dudes will fuck anything. See Greek Mythology if you have any doubt.

Remember to never split an infinitive

Next time you're arrested, just plead guilty. It'll make it a lot easier on everyone

Isn't that what mp3s are for?

Always order the Kosher meal to avoid getting bumped from your flight

Nah. It’s funny. He wants to cut his dick off & make money telling us all about it on tv. We’re entitled to laugh at such a terrible idea.

Ladies, ladies. Men don't care about fat lips. Spend that time elsewhere.
