
That ending left me with goosebumps. So fantastic. Now who will play him?

This episode traumatized the hell out of me. I cried and was completely inconsolable for hours.

Okay, admittedly it's far less egregious this season than it was last season when she just happened to stumble on both Arya AND Sansa. It's still pretty comical though.

It's like she's in a real life vide game RPG and she's got her mission targets on her HUD

Brienne is just a human compass at this point right? She wanders the woods and always finds what she's looking for by sheer luck, almost immediately.

Yeah, I'm wondering how the time scheme breaks down and just how old Ragnar is supposed to be at this point. Same with the other characters. How old is Bjorn at this point, for example?

They could've gone Green Hornet remake and made Wong the actual capable sorcerer while Dr. Strange is a buffoon who gets all the credit, lol.

Honestly there's no good way to adapt Doctor Strange today. Its comic roots are far too mired in varying levels of orientalism and mysticism to be brought to the screen without baggage. I suppose at some point they had to just pick a path of least resistance and go with it, which does not exempt them from criticism

It's a time jump that's been a long time coming, I think. The show's made it pretty clear that it wants to expand its horizons beyond being Ragnar's story and become a more sweeping, generational epic. Hopefully it continues to pull it off and still finds a place (or a fitting end) for all our favorite characters.

Given Marvel's track record with villains, my hunch is that they might be wasting Mads in a one-off Bad Guy Sorcerer role. I hope not, but we'll see

Marvel needs access to Fantastic Four and Doom before Mads Mikkelsen is too old to play him.

Oh sure, but at least they embrace the supernatural side of things. Watching them bust demons and ogres and banshees is much more exciting than watching the devil waste his talents on random LA third tier thugs

There's maybe a fair argument to be made that that niche is already filled by Supernatural and Grimm and Sleept Hollow, and so on, I guess. It's not an argument is make.

I just don't understand why this show is so committed to the cop procedural thing when embracing the supernatural and its own mythology would be far more interesting. Give me a world where angels and demons and all kinds of creatures walk among us and Lucifer commits himself to policing them, if only so he can have

Yeah, agreed. I think the inclusion of Olicity fundamentally misunderstands what made Felicity a fun and necessary force in the show to begin with. As basically a regular (though very smart) person she added that bit of reflexive meta-humor that the initially overly-serious Arrow desperately needed. Her occasional

I feel like the dark reverse of this is shows that have moved heaven and earth to cater to the demands of their most vocal online fanbase, sometimes to the detriment of the show's quality. I'm thinking particularly of Arrow here, but there are many others…

He does though. Look closely. It's just a little more faint.

He was fine in Spartacus, but he's been in so many flat-out bad movies now that it's hard to understand how he keeps getting blockbuster work. He's got a hell of an agent, or he really impresses at auditions, or he's sleeping with the right studio exec or something. I'm curious to find out.

Agreed, though I have a hard time imagining anyone other than Nicholson being able to pull it off.

That's… actually a really valid point.