If she was really sick Trump would be milking it for sympathy not downplaying her absence.
If she was really sick Trump would be milking it for sympathy not downplaying her absence.
I genuinely do like sausage pizza, though.
Oh man Trump would really lose his shit if this happened... this really is the best idea.
I mean, that’s a great example of why nobody should be clamoring to save this show: over the years they have gone out of their way to completely change characters in order to shoehorn crappy plot points in. Becky was a straight A student who wanted to become a doctor even after she married Mark, to make her an idiot…
I suggested Rose O’Donnell, who is only half as crazy as Roseanne Barr, and renaming it “Rosie”.
We’ll care if she or her lousy son use that royalty money to influence elections or policy. Money always matters and it does even more when it’s in the wrong hands. Sure Roseanne already has money but she also hadn’t had any significant fresh sources of it in years so I doubt she had much to spare to throw around to…
That’s because it only takes 8 women to do the job of 11, 12 or 13 men.
There was some odd trend there in the ‘80s of live-action, real world games being played by hipsters, and to be honest, I kinda wish it would come back. Although I don’t think it’s a good idea for people to be running around carrying dart or paintball guns in this day and age. Too bad.
My guess is that he’ll either die of overdramatic suffering or monotony.
I know this sounds awful but I can’t wait for Rick to die. He has been the worst character and I haven’t rooted for him since season 3. Andrew Lincoln seems like a lovely person; I just can’t stand Rick. Long live Michonne.
I won’t return until daryl washes his hair
Uh, because the dictionary definition of racism is believing that someone’s race decides certain traits.
I love her mother!
Other fear: Carnies. (Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.)
Unplug your Echo/Alexa/whatever and throw it in the trash.
I am SO grateful for the 9 years that I’ve spent out of the dating pool with my now-husband. If something ever happens to him, I’ll probably just fully embrace my inner cat lady and go full spinster.