Conan! What is best in life?
Conan! What is best in life?
Look, what I did wasn’t murder-murder. That absolutely wasn’t murder, because when you use the word murder you mean I mashed his head into the shaggy carpet with the tire lever. Don’t just throw that word around. What I did was more like a gentle ushering of his consciousness through the tunnel that reaches into the…
Listening to a woman is not a way to have her go on a date with you.
please, Ruby Rhod is magic.
I do, and Sarah Jones’ fucking crushed skull became a rallying cry a few years ago for a reason. Everyone here defending forcing actors (or crew, or anyone) to put their lives on the line for a fucking movie are fucked up.
I think the more we try to hand-wave any attempt at building a less violent society, the more we’ll continue to regress. Listen — we’re not condemning the man. And he’s not going to know he fucked up if everybody keeps responding with “that’s okay, buddy — we all know your heart is in the right place.” People fucking…
I can’t wait to see which character is raped in a shockingly misguided and tonally jarring attempt to inject some grittiness into a frothy period melodrama.
Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.
Except if she did not say anything the media would pretend that her not responding should be news. They would probably put up a clock ticking off how long it has been without her responding.
Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It…
She was in Krampus and that was a really weird, bad casting choice (and wig). But other than that, I love her!
Or was married to a homosexual when she was 12 and he was 14, and smothered him following his aged father’s death, seizing power in the name of her infant son (whose paternity is suspicious at best).
People who are awesome and enjoy things that are good, obviously.
It’s quite simple once you wake up, sheeple! 1649 was the year of the Rump Parliament in England. What do English people like? Tea. Put a T in front of Rump, and you get Trump. What party has always supported Trump? The Tea Party. What sound does Sean’s last name end with? Tea. Also, the law can deal with shipping…
I second the nomination of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries! Terrific heroine, only light violence shown, and any misogynist characters are firmly dealt with. She’s the baddest flapper in all of 1920s Melbourne (and her outfits are also beyond fab).
I second the nomination of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries! Terrific heroine, only light violence shown, and any misogynist characters are firmly dealt with. She’s the baddest flapper in all of 1920s Melbourne (and her outfits are also beyond fab).
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries? It’s mostly light and fairly humorous, although the first season does start right off with the main character confronting the guy who probably murdered her younger sister. I think the murder victims are pretty equally split in terms of gender.