Boudicca Superstar

Well, as Bush would say, “fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again.”

Well, that’s the trouble with Tribble, isn’t it?

This is the company that gave Rob Schneider his own show. Multiple seasons.

I think you’re forgetting a little picture called Addams Family Values.

Also Back to the Future Part 2 and Part 3, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, Toy Story 2 and 3, Christmas Vacation, 22 Jump Street, Gremlins 2, Army of Darkness, or The Great Muppet Caper.

(You shouldn’t have said 40 years. 40 years takes you all the

I think there’s a certain Bogus Journey undertaken by Misters Bill S. Preston, Esq., and Ted “Theodore” Logan that would like to disagree with you.


First, MSU is entitled to, and its insurers require, that we will mount an appropriate defense of these claims.

Reading the story as a 30 year old, I wish she just left. If I were in her position now, I would have left in a heartbeat. Screw your creepy guy. Bye.

...he has witnessed and experienced “abusive treatment, maddening hypocrisy, staggering inefficiencies, acidic and deficient communication, and relentless scapegoating.”

“any capable stunt person with relative height and build”

I think that reinforces the point though — the conversation here should be a lot more nuanced and handled more deftly. I’m in my 30s now and I know how to say no, but pretty much throughout my 20s as I explored my sexuality I consistently ran into situations that I didn’t know how to handle. There’s a lot of pressure

In conclusion, I demand that the plaintiff immediately drop their libel lawsuit over my posting of several “Kid Rock is a douchebag” billboards, as said billboards were merely referring to my song; Kid Rock is a Douchebag (sample lyric: “Kid Rock is a douchebag”).

Awwwwww kitty! And welcome to you!

We have three of them now in the Blue Unit (that houses the elderly kitties and the kitties with leukemia or FIV). They *all* love to climb all over me. I give myself six months before I’m looking for a way to adopt one of them.

My goal is to be chronic-pain-free so I can go back to work. I may have finally found a doctor who can help.

Woo hoo SNS is early! Before too much delicious wine is consumed by me! I went back to work for the first time since my boob job, and on that first morning, as I posted earlier this week, I (bizarrely) met Donald Trump Junior at my work and he took a selfie with me! Also, everything is healing amazing from the

I wish I had. It was a waste of my time.

“Trump received what appeared to be Thousand Island dressing during the salad course”

Why are people still interested in beauty contests in 2017? Isn’t this a perfect example of our culture demeaning women? Why do you ladies put up with this shit?