Boudicca Superstar

You know what though? The penis is fucking revered enough. There are literal and figurative dicks everywhere. I appreciate she also painted a vagina but it was verrrry abstract. I don’t necessarily have a problem with anatomical paintings but enough with the almighty penis.

We should also be denouncing everyone in the audience who stood. This is not “what-aboutism”, because I think Streep should be called on this. But let’s not allow her to be the whipping boy for everyone else.

Based on what, other than suspicion? Women aren’t responsible for men’s bad behavior. This is only a half-step away from chanting “Lock Her Up!”

The silliness and wrongheadedness of going after Streep allows the Clooneys, Pitts, Tarantinos, etc. off scot-free. Streep was not on the production-side as those men and Weinstein were - so anything she “knew” was derived from rumors unless she heard it from victims themselves directly. Which no victim has stated

Bob Ross and Pea Pod are iconic and unchallengeable.

Weird Al, John Oliver, President Obama, Nick Offerman, Greg Proops, Joel Hodgson

“Mary is lying, and we all know it. I saw her just the other day. Lovely woman. Fantastic woman. And she was all happy and special. Did she say anything about being raped? Nope. She acted fine. Plus there were no witnesses! She’s a lovely woman, but she’s very confused.”— Donald Trump

You’re like the twelfth person I’ve said this to, but you can always watch the work of women. Try digging out the work of the women who had to leave positions or productions because these men couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. They’re still just that level of talented; they’re just not working because these men

We haven’t had cable in 11 years. No antenna, either. Just streaming: a Netflix subscription, and then we buy a la carte seasons of the shows we want, mostly on Amazon Video. Our annual TV budget is $500 and this year we spent $442. (A cable subscription that would cover all the channels we would need in order to

There’s no “good way” to say this, there’s no easy way out of this mess, there’s no “right” answer to what to do in this situation, but it must to be told..