I read it all the way through and it was a good post. Thank you.
I read it all the way through and it was a good post. Thank you.
It seems that the USA tells the rest of the world that we're openly supporting the Islamists against Assad (sometimes even ISIS, so long as they stay on the Syria side of the line) while telling Americans on TV that all these guys are nuts and we have no idea how shit got so crazy over there.
I thought the Islamist militants fighting Assad in Syria were our friends? Aren't we giving them money and weapons? Didn't we almost start bombing Syria on their behalf, back in September of last year?
It was just a public relations mechanism designed to keep people from getting pissed and/or doing anything about Valve's virtual monopoly on the PC gaming platform.
The point of featuring this on Kotaku, etc, was so that it would get banned and then they could take credit for banning it in the name of social justice or whatever.
Ban degenerate art!
Don't worry. The same people who got this game banned will keep working towards getting all those other ones banned too. I bet Joe Lieberman and Jack Thompson wish they had thought up this feminist angle, back in the day, huh?
Quick! Ban those games too! Ban all the games!!
Yes and that's what I originally assumed, as well. Maybe they were trying some crazy reverse psychology Judo or something, but if it had been me writing the article, I would have called her Yolanda or whatever to be on the safe side..
False flag!
Curiouser and curiouser.
That's a weird talking point because people do stupid shit just for attention all the fucking time.
Why the hell did RS use her real first name!?
Jackie didn't get all those sweet, sweet clicks from publishing the article. Rolling Stone did. They took a risk and it didn't work out for them. When that article was first published, people were talking Pulitzer. I think Jackie has enough problems in her life without also being held responsible for Rolling Stone's…
Oh, so not wanting to be known as members of the #1 rape club at Rape University is "entitlement", now?
Internet feminism has officially gone full-retard.
By making everything about tearing down men, I don't think feminists are doing women any favors. Especially odd how so many of the most outrageous examples of feminism-gone-amok are either men or she-males. Don't really know what to make of that.
Just when we finally kick the fundy Christian's asses in the culture wars, these angry internet feminists literally fill in the vacuum and start pushing to ban all the same stuff the fundies wanted banned. Weird.
You support the views of an obvious troll?
Give them time. They're only going after what the nerds like, for now.