It’s still way to early, but my money is on Hillary and Jeb.
It’s still way to early, but my money is on Hillary and Jeb.
Sadly, he is unlikely to beat her in the primaries. I do hope that he’s able to push her significantly left though!
Tied for a shameful last place. Seriously, I can’t get over how a “liberal champion” could sign the Defense of Marriage Act into law.
True. However, he did outright lie about closing Guantanamo Bay and not extending the Patriot Act (things he was very vocally against when he was in the Senate and campaigning).
I’m loathe to even stick a toe in these waters, but yeah... the Clintons are just plain dirty.
From Taibbi at Rolling Stone:
Why has Jezebel not covered that he’s running? :(
For as much public adulation that Clinton gets, he really has a fucking awful legacy in a lot of areas.
God I hope Bernie Sanders trounces her in the primaries or better yet, Elizabeth Warren wakes up one morning and decides she will in fact run for the White House. Both things are extremely unlikely to happen unfortunately.
important eta:
Hillary is clearly doing a pivot to the left just for insurance purposes. Unless she gets a serious challenger, you’ll hear nothing more about this once the primary season starts.
Space age nano fibers! It’s like a second skin!
I just think this is largely unnecessary. Modders have been making mods all this time now for no pay. There is no need for an incentive, and in fact I think this is part of what makes the modding community special. It survives and thrives on the passion of modders.
“Players have been flaming modders for years, they rarely say thank you and hardly ever use a donate button. So paying for mods offers some compensation for the abuse we get.” - Giskard
This is going to go down as one of the most epic clusterfucks of all time. Think what you will of paid modding, Valve will find a way to screw this up. Without any method of over site, this will be abused beyond belief. People will be stealing mods and uploading them as their own for a buck, and how will Steam handle…
I intend to purchase the top payed mods, copy them, then re-upload them to Steam Workshop for free. Fuck this system.
GG modding community.
All we’re going to see are over priced mods everywhere. At least there might be a few better ones... but this is a double edged sword.
Now we gotta pirate mods, ffs.