
Mossadegh was NOT democratically elected, nor was he a reformer, nor did we overthrow him. Jesus fucking christ.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the walking?

Hi Prince Pahlavi! Nice to see you posting on Kotaku

B-but it is popular to hate America and “western” society and to blame them for all the World’s problems!

We are taught that evil White Americans have never done anything but oppress and destroy!! /sarcasm

Thanks for clearing up the facts.

“To many in the West, Iran is an indistinct enemy power that seems perpetually embroiled in internal conflict, a country currently led by a volatile leadership with dangerous nuclear ambitions.”

“Revolutionary Protest Adventure”?

*sniff, sniff* he said *sniff* a word ... and it really hurt my feelings! He didn’t even include a trigger warning before he penetrated my safe space!!

Fuck off liberal faggots. You played the race card every hand in a row for 317 sessions, and now it’s starting to get stale and you can’t figure out why you can’t just dog whistle “He’s a racist!” and have it work on the silent majority of working class Americans any longer.

That ship sailed about a million years ago.

pics are on encyclopedia dramatica if you’re into 30-year old american chicks cosplaying as 14-year old japanese schoolgirls

Coming from a person who is defending a pedophile, everything you just said just goes out the window.


If anything, I hate feminist. They’re obsolete in the year 2016, at least in america anyways, the movement has gone from a movement of equity to a movement of a women centric domination mixed with lies, myth’s, and misinformation.

No where did speak ill of her directly, just her plausible belief’s and plausible

>implying that I hate women

How cute.

Well, Eledonkey “funk,” you’re entitled to your opinion; but some “times” you can just appreciate things for their entertain “ment” value.

Just trolling or...completely right? You owe some people individual apologies, Anna.

The more I read (in hindsight), the more you buried yourself. Youch

Looks like everyone in this thread needs to help themselves to a hefty serving of crow.

This is so hilarious to read in retrospect. I wonder if all the people telling Anna how awesome and great her response was would like to revise?

You should ask Columbia for a refund.

It appears that you owe these two men an apology. The new evidence proves you wrong in so many ways and somehow that Columbia degree didn't help. HA!