
Doesn’t change the fact that, with the exception of primarily Asian-Americans, the stereotypes in question prove true for many if not most Asian cultures. Which one is irrelevant. Put like this: that if this character was a perfectly well researched son of a Cantonese speaking family from Guangzhou, he may very well

What a fallacy. You attacked my supposed “some time abroad” and then when I listed my credentials in defense of your attempt to belittle me I get attacked again.

As I said, Facebook grade stuff. You haven’t even made an argument, either, at least not one with substance. You just keep saying your opinion on what racism

Listen. I’ve spent literal years working in refugee resettlement all around the world, toiled in global education, and geopolitical humanities. My wife is a “brown” person from a different continent entirely, to degrade her far enough to fit a definition that matters to you. The last 4 jobs I held and apartments I

Oh I agree it’s all fucked up but just the sheer ignorance of the American-centric conversations that happen around here and else where centering on race discussions around identity and culture are simply gross.

I’m not saying one way of racism is better than the other, but being upset that an asian character has

Hilarious. I didn’t spend “some” time abroad.

Perhaps because in the MtG universe they are inspired by and based on a real-life place and people (Japan?) You’re completely failing to understand anything beyond the most basic of “he look. so he is.” It’s such a banal Western take on race (cuz they are totes tha expertz) that screams having never lived long enough

You’re equating physical appearance with race, which is where the west fucks up. To be sure, when we’re all basically the same general culture in places like the US, I suppose physical appearance is an easy dividing line.

The reality is that in places like Asia, or Africa, for example, people from different countries

Such a great article! Ancient European cultures/mythos being interpreted through a lens of monolithic modern-day whiteness is probably one of the most egregious yet widely accepted fallacies related to our understanding of that period. Pure white statues long striped of their paint (and early Hollywood movies about

Hades gets its gods right by being incredibly hot

SuperGiant has such fucking amazing artists on their team, like those designs are wild and unique but not like supremely overworked if that makes sense? Like Athena isn’t extremely crazy in her design, you can feel her wisdom and the cute Boobo owl.

Of course! Here’s a few! Top one is a side by side of the door and the in game inspiration.

Fascist Morty had nothing to do with Gamergate. Also, by the way, 2015 called and they’d like their socially relevant boogeyman back.

The way Jerry pronounced “Akira” and “anime” was perfect. 

Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Steam is that safety blanket, or favorite piece of clothing. The one you’ve ‘always’ had. The most comfortable one. The one with all the memories. And a pox upon anyone who points out that it has holes, or smells funny, or is faded even if they’re right.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

There’s a massive difference in creating fan art and asking to get credit for your interpretation of that fan art and some rich chode reposting art and FLAT OUT REFUSING to credit the artist especially when he literally has to pay a settlement from doing the same thing to another person.

Most artists in the industry of

I’m of the mind that if they are going to offer discounts on pre-orders then they had better at least give a refund in store credit to every single person who has already pre-ordered the game.

It’s definitely unsustainable.