
I could not agree with you more. This is very disturbing news—I hope everybody is prepared for more of a police state than there already is. And a police state with military grade weapons to utilize in its fight to quell the citizenry.

Infuriating and disgusting behavior from the orange slushy. Fuck! I cannot wait for him to be impeached.

Right? Jesusgod she beat that woman good.

You sure are wypipo. Congrats.

There are more than a few credible allegations that he is a sex creep.

I might have agreed with you a few years ago, but I think he’s doing a good to great job since the election.

That’s not happening. Revisionist much?

You’re a moron. No hope for ‘ya.

A WOMAN posted that. She’s an asshole.

A cheater is an asshole.

Ok Sparky.

Reading is fundamental. I was speaking of the isolation and the mindless drivel of electronic amusement that kids engage in 24 hours a fucking day. Can you understand that. The Japanese actually have a term for disaffected youth. Are you ready for it? Hikikomori. 

It’s wonderful that crime rates are at a 40 year low. I don’t know what to attribute it to. If it’s better standards of education and access to technology, let’s have more of those things.

You’re a fool. Educate yourself.

Your comment should have more stars.

Um. In case you haven’t paid attention: Stag movies and Linda Lovelace aren’t the norm anymore. There is some truly varied sleaze out there. And some of it is unforgettably gross. That shit didn’t exist 30 years ago.

What the FUCK are YOU talking about? Pull your hand off your dick and the other one off your controller and pay attention.

LOL Suuuuuure I am.

LOL. You’re a real fucking moron. Show me the fine print of ANY fucking offer she gets that pays for her daycare AND tuition.

Now that sounds dirty. Excellent.