
LOL—Son? You’re really married to this idea of tipping fast food workers aren’t you? Do you want credit for that idea? You go on ahead and take it then. I’ll be over here with the grownups talking about fair wages. Also: whatever they’re paying you? You’re definitely not worth it. You tipped off my asshole radar with

I defer to your obviously greater experience in the matter being discussed. LOL. Well FUCK YEAH porn!

^^^^^^^ Very well said.

This kid, like a lot of these morons, is up for some kicks. He doesn’t know fucking history, american or german. Actually learning shit is for people a little smarter than he is. And the FACT that he doesn’t know this makes him fucking dangerous and unpredictable. Because he just wants action. Most kids like him

There are millions of them. And we all have. Including the miserable ignorant parents who raised them on television and gameboys and play stations.

Same in my town. And same across my state.

Man. We all need to have a meetup. I could tell you some family stories that would curl your fucking toes. The only good thing is that my racist as fuck uncle and alt right turd may very well stroke out before the end of the year. Here’s hoping...

Look, prick: You don’t fucking know me and until you fucking do, reserve your little prick attitude. Engage in this debate with fucking experience and facts. And if you have neither of those things Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Here dumbass: (Did you really google search and choose the very first link that came up? and not read it? hahahahahah)Here you go little buddy: “Given the University of Washington’s diverging results, researchers on the left argued for caution in interpreting them and applying them to policymaking. “The authors’

I’m just not going down quietly this time. I will engage with these moron’s until they weep real tears of shame. Or not. I don’t even fucking care. Because they DON’T have the facts, because they DON’T have the experience or the education of the world that would allow them to actually acquire some wisdom. So for every

And do any of you have ANY fucking idea how expensive day care is? And that most community colleges don’t even have daycare? No. You don’t even think about it. gtfoh for real.

Oh fuck that bullshit. But CORPORATE subsidies and BANK Bailouts are ok? FUCK that. I would willingly pay taxes to subsidize a minimum wage worker for food stamps and housing. What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you honestly think most of the workers of this country have agency? Are you fucking delusional? Do

Well fuck. I mean jesus h christ I get tired of these loaded questions that take into consideration NOTHING outside one’s own obviously limited perspective. READ for fuck’s sake. The information is out there. Better yet, go down to your local McDonald’s , go around back and wait for whoever comes out to smoke and

And slaves. Don’t forget that the entire economy of the US relied on slave labor to build much of the 17th and 18th century infrastructure.

“Given the University of Washington’s diverging results, researchers on the left argued for caution in interpreting them and applying them to policymaking. “The authors’ estimated employment effects stand as outliers in a large body of research on the employment effects of the minimum wage,” wrote Ben Zipperer and

You’re fucking wrong. Now your willful idiocy is just tiring me. You’re wrong. BTW: I’ve noticed you haven’t cited any credible sources. Hm? Others have. You must be a very special little fellow to think that your very own brain can solve this problem by reciting talking points. Non factual talking points at that. Go

YES! Look at Baltimore doing the right fucking thing!

No shit, right? Who worked those mines at the turn of the century and before? Children and immigrants. Who built the railway tracks? Chinese and immigrants.

Those are definitely wypipo questions. Maybe she just doesn’t fucking want to. Is it ok with you if she gets benefits and a living wage anyfuckingway? I know you just “want what’s best for them”...

All the talking points of someone who just doesn’t get it. If I have to pay a dollar more for a shitty burger because it goes toward giving people a living wage I will fucking do it. THESE ARE NOT STARTER JOBS. REAL ADULT PEOPLE WITH FAMILIES AND BILLS ARE WORKING THESE JOBS.