
Good for her.

Where do I send my money?


I am so fucking sorry. My neighbors and local pol’s are low key racists. They hide their bigotry while loudly proclaiming how friendly they are to business.

He’s barred from this country for good reason. Your “artistry” doesn’t ameliorate your status as a fuck-er of children. THAT is what your legacy will be, Mr Polanski.

It was pollsters. Nate Silver is ONE (and admittedly the best at what he does).


When the fuck did any of these fuckers apologize for the inept pollsters they employ? Fuck the 24 hour news cycle, and fuck all of the reporters who perpetuate it. I want heartfelt, tears in their eyes apologies from all of them.

ONE goddam bit of good news. I actually cheered.

That wallpaper is nightmare inducing.

Once and for all let us dispense with the horseshit idea of american exceptionalism among the great unwashed. FUCK these people. For christ’s sake. Was it lead in the water? Is it environmental toxins? Do they all need to be kept in N Dakota in perpetuity?

I took your job because I’m better at it. Live with it.

Good mattress protector. Pricey, but worth it.

Isn’t that just “correlation doesn’t equal causation”?

Get the rolled up newspaper! We’ll NEVER get that stain out!

I love this. You are an amazingly funny and creative writer. And I think you’ve captured the zeitgeist for most of us. Well, you captured mine anyway.

This is the best series of explanations as to why FB is...dreck. Thank you. I quit it about 5 years ago for all the same reasons. FB was fine when it was a fairly utilitarian way to check in. Now there are so many intrusive ads, and such general intrusiveness that it makes my skin crawl.

Exactly right.


Thank you for this. Great information.