Legend is a classic that I am proud of having in my dvd collection. there are other movies that take Ridley Scott out of this list, but legend is not the one.
Legend is a classic that I am proud of having in my dvd collection. there are other movies that take Ridley Scott out of this list, but legend is not the one.
that goes for every time someone says the words "John Carter is kinda like Avatar" like it's copying Avatar! And I answer every time: "Avatar is the copy!" Actually I want that in t-shirt.
the funny part is that it felt like a surprise to see something related to Image on a list about comic con, then I thought: right comic con is about comics. forgot about that.
Dinosaurs in a Tardis been done before. The Rani was growing some on hers. Probably because Tyrannosaurus Rex are cool.
maybe they are Angels. ;)
Maybe that is your sister, wearing her secret identity.
He was afraid of the hunter and skipped the meeting.
because no one wants to be near the guy with a hook for a hand.
And now True blood have a Balrog, so maybe we will be getting elfs by the end of the season.
It's not like we expect that the clones we send to the moon, for mining, to live long anyway.
Dammit! consider a reply to the post about The Sims.
At least it doenst sound like that, or we would be in serious trouble.
Are they talking about a Stargate movie that has nothing to do with the show? Because I must say that although I do like the movie I like the show much more and to me Jack O'Neil and Daniel Jackson are Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks instead of Kurt Russel and James Spader.
Yes! The fact that the food that have less calories is the more expensive is actually the reason for people not buying them! Seriously, if burger and fries cost half of a chicken salad why would I go for the salad?
And in the end of "After Earth" we find out that we are actually on primitive Earth. And the Smiths are the "ancient gods".
Find that hard to believe, as we live in world where Nic Cage already made Ghost rider 2.
No, but you can dub whatever he is saying. that is the idea of the video, have his lips say one thing and the sound say another.
Maria Hill as liaison between the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D?
"suffocating rabbits"
he never produces a F sound, the thing here is that he is saying BA all along