
Magic, that is always the explanation, "the unicorn was pink in one scene, Magic!"

there is 27 months in a year?

Why cant the guys end up with each other and ditching the boring girl?

Or they will find out that reality doesn't actually exist and we are all a giant monkey's dream.

Or he-man/she-ra

Teddy is going to meet daddy!

Riverworld is a really crowded place then.

Dont want

is the Razzies wards nominations out too?

that top picture is making me cry.

Ugh! the other day two women, on the bus, were discussing how much they like watching this crap, and I am on Brazil!

Sure, just let him take his vertebra off first.

I think they gave him fangs so his mouth would move more easily as the character. As you move your mouth one way with fangs and another without.

And after witnessing the bloody massacre that took place the little girl fell into a hysteric laughter that could be heard echoing trough the halls.

As the last kid from Angel was annoying as hell I can only guess that they learned their lesson to never repeat that mistake again, therefore I am going with immaculate conception of the antichrist.

- X-Men: The Romance of Xavier and Eric

It makes sense that Spock wouldnt need to see to know that Vulcan was destroyed. As in the TOS I remember one episode where Spock could sense the destruction of a Vulcan Starshipship because of the telepathic backslash. one can only imagine how worse it would be with a planet full of telepaths.

+1 The Fades is amazing!