Its the 94 movie:
Its the 94 movie:
To keep that rights the guys that have it already made a fantastic four movie that they never intended to release. So I am pretty sure that they will do whatever necessary to keep the rights :(
You win at interwebs!
to this day I hate "Message in a Bottle". I went with my friend on the theater expecting a light romantic movie about this widow that starts to get less broken when he starts to get involved with a woman that finds his letter to his dead wife that he trow on the ocean in (guess) a bottle.
Fox is never going to let any character from the fantastic four going back to marvel, even if they have to put galactus and silver surfer in one single frame in the next movie.
Sorry the same guys that own Wolverine and x-men have deadpool
The great thing about the "civil war" event on comics is the fact that Captain America are the great friends before that. But then again I dont know much about early iron man and captain america friendship and don read "the ultimates".
wibbly wobbly timey stuff. this episode time dont need to happen before the day that Amy and Rorry go to Utah.The Ponds taht were traveling with the Doctor were the ones that saw him dying.
River is not a simple human, she is a time lady human, so maybe the kill on sight thing works only on humans who, as implied on this episode, have more weak minds.
1- at the end of lets kill Hitler they dump her on a hospital there.
I wish the doctor had said that the cybership had crashed millions of years ago on Earth...
Kirk didnt die that was a copy created by the nexus. Dont care what anyone says! That is what I believe. An one day real Kirk will jump out of nexus, travel to the another trek universe, undo Vulcan destruction and bring real Spock home.
I dont get it, the article dont even mention wolverine, so where is a new wolverine showing up? ultimate? schism? Godzilla?
The ending you see here first, well someone here must have not seen that before.
I am worried about fringe, a Peter that has to start from scratch? and if was erased from existence does that means that his baby never existed? and then how did they turned on the machine? Is just too much to understand.
wait, one can be a volunteer fireman at 16?
I know I heard that somewhere before... lol
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If you build they ill come
But is it tasty?